“Communism bad”


200 year old tropes so ancient they were debunked by Marx himself

Of course, you go through the motions of explaining the most basic political concepts that could be grasped by skimming the cliff notes for literally any Marxist works

“Friedrich Engels? Is he like the president of Germany or something?”

It’s like a kindergartener trying to teach you calculus.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Idk, my version of that as a former lib was "wait so if the solution is social democracy, why can't we have it?" which inevitably drove me to communism.

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yeah it's like, gee the world would be a better place if the capitalists in charge simply allowed us to have a better and fulfilling life that isn't an endless struggle to earn resources that aren't even scarce using the left over money we earned them after they skimmed 99% of it. They could be more generous and still stay insanely rich! Everybody wins!

      Yeah that would sure be great. They're never going to do that. Become a communist.