its good to finally have the USSA ruled by President Xi.

Bet: when Trump finaly announces the Patriot Party, Ben is gonna Horny post on main

  • Washburn [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Conflating the left with neoliberals is intentional. If they believe that we want the same things Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi want, they don't take us anymore seriously than they do neoliberals in congress. If they believe that The Democratic Party is governing based on what Marx wrote, why are they going to read it? The Democratic Party has bad policies, so obviously the work of Marx must be bad. If Nancy Pelosi won't even admit that she's a communist, even though they're sure she definitely is, but AOC is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, she must be a super-communist, and imagine how much worse that could be!

    The reason that right wing people have such cognitive dissonance when, like, in Portland the left is protesting against the Biden administration, is because there has been a concentrated effort within right wing media to make them believe that the actual left, communists and anarchists, support Democrats and the Democratic Party, and that the Democratic Party is ruled by communists and anarchists. And that works to both discredit the Democratic Party among their viewers as communists who are definitely inherently bad in their minds, but also discredit communists as being connected to the Democratic Party, and so you don't need to listen to someone calling themselves a communist. You already know what they're about.

    • NPa [he/him]
      4 years ago

      A right-wing mind is just an ouroboros of bad takes and circular logic