Some context: I live in rural America with a hyper lib, Harry Potter fan, "if it were Bush we'd be at brunch" stepmom and a more grounded dad who knows socdem isn't socialism but still has erythrophobia from growing up in the 80s and wants America to be like Denmark, thinks socialism is "whatever they have in Star Trek," and thinks communism is Stalin. My dad will go to work and my stepmom, super involved in American politics, will say something about girlboss and I'll say something bad about the cop part or something and that will devolve into me getting like 5 words in and then she libsplains to me for like 20 minutes that leftists who don't like women exist, or it's inevitable that a president is gonna be a war criminal, or whatever. Then my dad will come home from work and it's like a coin flip on whether or not he'll take my side. One thing she told me about is how people will be like "you're liberal until you get older then you get conservative (she thinks liberal = left btw)," but then she explains that that's not the case, you just get more jaded, and she's cool with workers not being exploited for their labor but also we can't cancel billionaires and we must stan Obama bc even though he did war crimes that's just gonna happen and there's nothing we can do about it.
So that got me thinking, is it REALLY worth it? Like in my lifetime, I'm likely going to die just above the poverty line and idk if there's really any influence I can have over the living conditions of those who are less fortunate. I want to have kids but I probably won't bc they cost money and I don't wanna subject a baby to this shit and make another human just so they grow up with depression. Regardless of whether or not I go vegan or ride my bike everywhere or boycott Amazon, the industries are still gonna continue to thrive without my dollar. I have no real skills to make income without an employer who will take my surplus labor, and they'll be able to do so forever bc regardless of who runs our country, it'll be a capitalist swine who will bend over backwards to help their capitalist swine friends.
And even if we do have a socialist leader, they're going to have to lay low and run as a Democrat, either have like 8 other people lined up behind them for when their term ends or find a way to abolish term limits (with support from congress, which will never happen), keep getting elected over people with dickloads of funding from corporations or abolish the electoral college (also with the help of congress), dismantle corporations, ban counter-revolutionary propaganda without getting lynched for getting rid of freeze peach, pull out of all other countries (once again, with the green light from congress), outlaw labor exploitation, abolish the police, give free education, sustenance, housing, healthcare, etc to everyone (which, again, is possible, but congress would say "no❤️"), and do all of that after completely flipping our whole energy industry before we all fucking die, which will get shot down by congress.
So like, is it possible at all? Not even realistic, but possible in the first place? On top of that, even if we go full commie, we'd need to do so with full support of all the other bougies, as well as the working people that they've brainwashed, AND we'd have to do it without pissing off other countries and having them go full USA on us.
And if not that, there'd have to be a fullscale coup, which would REALLY fuck shit up and get the other nations angry and at our door.
Do you think we can do it? Or is there another way to? I'm mostly worried about the fact that all this needs to happen before we reach the point of no return and we all fucking burn alive along with earth's entire ecosystem because of our oil fetish.
Idk, at the very least I need someone to coddle me and reassure me that everything's gonna work out in the end lol
TL;DR, idk if we'll be able to pull off global socialism at all, let alone before the climate apocalypse happens, and I need either reassurance or someone to tell me to shut the fuck up. Also please read the post.
That's true, it is comforting that the system will collapse in on itself, my only worry is that when that starts to happen, the bourgeoisie will do everything in their power to keep the gravy train rolling, which will lead to the end of humanity, due to the extinction of all life (unless we manage to grow meat in labs fast enough to be able to feed ourselves, but that technology seems too far away and once we get it, the first to have access will be the same people burning our planet to the ground).
I guess I wanna know if some of us will be able to survive after everything turns to shit, or if all of humanity will be wiped out, or if the only people alive will be the capitalists (the bad ending). And if we can stop it from happening, do we need to storm them like it's 1789, or can we realistically capture the state diplomatically, fast enough?
Goddamn it's support systems like this that make me so glad I was radicalized, thank you :)
I guess the sooner we get shit done, the less shitty our future will be, I'll remember that.
Fwiw there's no other USA to sail over and dick around in your politics. Also things change like lightning, don't underestimate how fast things move when some invisible threshold is crossed
Probably requires a lot of military action. All revolutions were military operations.