So I'm not sure if there's actually enough engagement for this, but I figured I'd try. I want to host a D&D game via discord / Roll20. It would be just a few sessions*, probably running the first stage of Lost Mines of Phandelver, a sort of intro to D&D pre-made adventure.

Like I said, new players that are interested but don't know how to play are more than welcome. If there's enough people interested, we'll work out the details and start getting things set up. Only requirements would be being comfortable using a mic with strangers, and not being a shithead I guess.

*If it goes well and everyone is down for it, might continue to do the whole thing, but that's getting ahead of ourselves.

Edit: East coast US, schedule is moderately flexible, but I do work weekdays.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I got a little bag of D&D dice for free a long time ago and a few years ago over Christmas when my little brother was visiting I finally got to use them for their real purpose. We got to my place after visiting relatives to find the power was out so we chopped firewood, got out my camping lanterns, and I dug through a few boxes and found the little drawstring bag of dice. Then we made up some simple rules inspired by our time playing Baulder's Gate as kids and started playing a post apocalyptic story inspired by The Road. Snow was falling outside. The fire was crackling. Dice were rattling off the table while we got into a gun battle with cannibals. I had way more fun than I thought I was gonna.

    I want do it again some time, but I'm a west coastie, so I don't wanna chime in and say I'll participate because its probably not going to happen. I would love it if you posted stories from your sessions here, though! D&D stories are some of my favorite things to read.

    • Ophanim [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Hell yeah, that's the best way to start, just making shit up with your friends. And weekends are a possibility, not my favorite but with covid going around there's not as much irl stuff to miss for me at least lol.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Good point, and my life is going to get a lot more busy pretty soon because, well, the plants are going to start waking up and I'm gonna go back to work tending to them. Pencil me in for a weekend session if there's an empty seat at the table <3