Please, I'm begging you.
How about you stop funding impawrialist color revolwoofions in pawvereign countreats?
This is too much, it's Russiagate combined with uwu combined with celebritizing politicians
I sat weeping with my face in my hands.
Who would do something so vile and senseless as this? How can such darkness lurk in someone’s heart?
We need a sub whatever just for liberalism, like the dunk tank but cursed
Yikes. IR propaganda in doge speak? (Or is it closer to lolcats? I'm too old to know anymore, just like the intern who wrote this tweet)
I wonder how many kids are being shown political tweets coming from dogs... This might turn me into a posadist.
This would be "doggo" speak (doge speak is the "wow such" stuff from around 2013), although typically there's more to it than just sticking "paw" in random words
Either way though it really hurts to read
You are laughing. The US is threatheing a sovereign nation with cringe and you are laughing.
If I ever build up the courage to quit my job, I am leaving this as my resignation letter. If I have to see this, so does my boss.
Oh my god it's real.
They said it wouldn't be funny smh never underestimate liberals