Hi, I am Bardfinn. Or rather "Bardfin", the handle I was forced to assume since it appears someone is trying to impersonate me. But we'll get to that.


I joined this forum because I was curious to see where the putrid swamp of intellectually lazy and authoritarian tankies r/ChapoTrapHouse migrated to, and also because I wanted to set the record straight and deliver detailed refutations to your fallacious reasoning.

What I found was not good. Not only is the place rife with apologia for bloodthirsty authoritarians, NOT ONLY am I being impersonated, a number of users are trying to turn it against ME by disseminating disinformation and accusing ME of impersonating... Myself I guess? They do this by offering obviously doctored and slanderous images of a supposed exchange between them and who is supposed to be u/Bardfinn.

Of course the users offering said evidence refused to offer any convincing peer reviewed evidence or their credentials so their claims can be dismissed out of hand. But it doesn't appear that this is happening.

On the contrary, it appears ** I am being ratio'd. **

What's more, there appears to be a coordinated ad hominem attempt to poison the well by strawmanning my posts as "bits".

This is nothing I didn't expect. The majority of the users of this forum neither know, nor care about the truth. But this unfortunate turn of events has forced me to make this post, just in case it comes to the attention of the few honest posters in this community. I expect from them to notify me IMMEDIATELY every time someone is confidently, arrogantly and openly committing logical fallacies including but not limited to the ones found in this useful reference, every time an authoritarian is defending brutal regimes under the guise of "anti-imperialism", or every time my name is mentioned. Otherwise, DO NOT CONTACT ME.

Remember it's Bardfin with ONE n. I know, I don't like removing n's from my name either, it is what I have been forced to do thanks to the "moderation" of this forum, but if Yanis Varoufakis can bear it, I can too.


Imagine and work towards a better society.

  • SimAnt [any]
    4 years ago

    he has committed classic Appeal to Feces fallacy