Bardfin [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2021


  • I wasn’t here to make an argument. I was here to challenge people to think critically.

    No one – not your friends, not the general public here – did so.

    You’re the only one that said “Hey wait a minute” and applied the first, elementary steps of rhetorical analysis to the discussion here.

    Everyone else was just arguing a side for imaginary brownies.

    You, at least, have the potential to do it right. You have the education and the willingness to speak the truth.

    Don’t let overtures of friendship blind you from reasoning to the truth.

    Good luck.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tothe_dunk_tankSo fucking goood.
    4 years ago

    This is rich, coming from a committed member of a forum which allows a user to impersonate ME with impunity, which lead to me being forced to drop the second "n" from my name. The moderators should be ashamed, the administrators should be ashamed, and YOU should be ashamed.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tomain#Justgirlbossthangs
    4 years ago

    Alright. Want it explained to you as simply as possible?

    Here’s the problem: Nothing here has risen even to the level of “debate”. I’m not here “debating” anything with you, because you keep slapping yourself in the rhetorical face and/or testicles. You’re failing to achieve lift-off. This is a non-starter.

    What I’m saying here is that you’re incapable of debate, and incapable of accepting or understanding actual criticism, and think that calling things "bits", strawmen, and ad hominems are standins for meaningful discussion.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tothe_dunk_tankSo fucking goood.
    4 years ago

    "Is this a bit?" "Is this a bit?" "Is this a bit?"

    Is this what all discourse is like on this forum? I had low expectations from the authoritarian faux radical juvenile tankies here, but this is beyond any imagination.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tothe_dunk_tankSo fucking goood.
    4 years ago

    This is actually a very succinct and accurate way to put it. I've tried MULTIPLE times to explain that this childish attitude is toxic and detrimental to the health of society at large, as is to online communities. As someone who has been in the (unfortunate) position of trying to keep communities healthy from EXACTLY this kind of behavior, I can't help but sympathize with the experts trying to inject some sanity into the Gamestop situation in particular and the markets in general.

    Imagine and build a better world.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tomain#Justgirlbossthangs
    4 years ago

    Thank you. Unfortunately I had to drop an "n" from my name, because it seems like some pathetic lifeless idiot has committed identity theft (a matter which the moderation of this site must attend to IMMEDIATELY) and is impersonating me. As a result, I can not use my real username since it is already "taken", which reflects very poorly on this "community".

  • Bardfin [she/her]tomain#Justgirlbossthangs
    4 years ago

    For starters, GET EDUCATED.

    The rhetorical main course will be learning your place and getting your aggressive confidence under check.

    As a dessert, do the bare minimum of research on the subject of proper debate and fallacies.

    Then we will talk.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tomain#Justgirlbossthangs
    4 years ago

    Oh I see. When pressured, you resort to trite and pathetic tactics such as attempting to invalidate my opinions and assassinate my character by pretending I am doing a "bit". Not surprising. Disappointing, but not surprising.

  • Bardfin [she/her]tomain#Justgirlbossthangs
    4 years ago

    Ι wrote a lengthy treatise 20 years ago on the Vietnam war. But for some reason you feel entitled to reply to me without ANY credentials and without ANY SOURCES WHATSOEVER.


    Now, to make things clear, DO NOT REPLY TO ME until you reach the level of humility and intellectual maturity to sit at the grown ups table and participate in proper debate.

    Am I perfectly clear? DO. NOT. REPLY. TO. ME. I have standards and expectations from the people responding to me, and YOU DID NOT MEET THEM. I feel like I have to reiterate that because I question the ability of the juveline tankies in this forum to get the message unless I make it as blatant as possible.