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We should absolutely ban outdoor cats. However, placing the blame and hate on the cats themselves is super fucked up. It's the owners 100%.
People who leave food out for strays should be fined or at least conscripted into programs to help bring strays in for spay/neuter
If your neighborhood gets terrorized by a cat colony then y'all don't deserve the land. Sorry that's just progress
There's that shit online about how dog people just love control and cat people can let others be who they truly are, like a good roommate. Bullshit. Dog people know how to hold loving relationships with healthy boundaries. Obsessive cat people who judge all others think it's ok to let the object of your obsession shit and puke wherever they want and you just have to look deep and really know why that was your fault. Fucking libs.
I understand the problem of feral pet animals, how they affect the community or how they're hunting various species into extinction.
But reddit anti animal subs are fucking psychotic.
Burning fossil fuel for my juked up radar terminal which I use to create electronic texts about disliking animals.
I said that I like it, I'm not going to keep it in what it considers to be a prison.
Then why does it try to bolt for the door every time I open it, or meow by it constantly whenever it's sunny out?
Can you imagine how cute it would sound if dogs could do little chirps like cats tho?
Yeah, like wishing death on them level. That's a lot of hate.
who would win in a fight, childfree or these guys? on one hand childfree have an increased prep budget due to not having to pay for their INFERNAL CROTCHSPAWN, on the other hand ifuckinghatecats have a lot of pent up anger, making them unpredictable