It's actually a really wholesome story, he loved collecting bugs as a kid, but with urban development that became more difficult, so he wanted something for kids to recreate that feeling for him.

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Definatly. In a crisper documentary, they talked to a disabled artist. She told a story about how she didn't want to make art centred on her disability but came to realize that it's a part of her and can't not be part of her art. She went on to say that it makes her sad, being told that her live is invalide and that we are actively working towards removing people like her. Plus: Being declared sane in an insane society is not a good signe.

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's not necessarily used as an insult exactly. Starting from 4chan, it's become kind of a substitute for hyper-focused nerd for some people. It's still deprecating but not exactly "wow you really suck".

  • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Half the people who use the “autist” insult are people autistic themselves. Speaking as a dude where liken 75% of the men in my family are autistic and is probably on the spectrum myself (albeit very mildly so), a lot of autistic people don’t have much “solidarity” with the broader community and will mock the fuck out of people with worse cases than them. There’s a lot of “I’m not THAT kinda of autist, I’m the cool savant type” logic. I’ll even to confess to doing it myself sometimes largely because almost all the autistic dudes in my family are also massive CHUDs.

    • spectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Having someone who is very very likely to be on the spectrum (but undiagnosed) look me in the eye and say "[something or other] is for autists, you know, r-------s" was very telling. This is a person who could have used some assistance (personal or professional) making it socially, but that sort of attitude caused them to quickly be isolated from the people who would be willing to help out.

  • ocho [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I used to chase crickets around and try to catch them as a kid, damn when did I stop being so cool 😩😩😩

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      4 years ago

      June Bugs were the ones I used to chase as a kid. And then they would fly at my head and scare the shit out of me. Seriously those fuckers look like they're the size of golf balls when they're in flight and they zig around like TIE fighters.

      • CommieTommy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I used to make ant hotels by digging out the dirt with my hands; it was really compact dirt so I'd always end up looking like I'd been in a mine.

        In hindsight though, me picking up ants and running over to take them to the ant hotel probably gave them hideous injuries that made them die in agony, so :(.

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          4 years ago

          If its any consolation, ants are durable as hell. Maybe a few of them left the hotel to find a new food source and they scent marked it for their comrades while trekking home, making the whole ordeal worthwhile for the colony because ants are collective organisms.