Just thought I'd share. It's a really fun game. I've done two play throughs already. It's very text heavy though but unique and worth trying out if you wanna be a drunken disco communist cop going through a massive identity crisis.

edit: the only advice i want to give people who are going to play is don't savescum IMO. Sometimes failed rolls can lead to some really funny moments. You really aren't supposed to "win" at every dice roll, but play the game how you enjoy it. I just found myself early on trying to win those dice rolls when in the grand scheme of things, it isn't necessary at all like it can be in similar RPG games. Also don't put only 1 point into physique (it's like health) on your first playthrough, you will end up dying in the most absurdly bad ways and after the charm wears off you will end up getting frustrated most likely.

edit 2: it's also on gog (same price) https://www.gog.com/game/disco_elysium?pp=a93c168323147d1135503939396cac628dc194c5 and the Epic store

  • JuneFall [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Edit: Warning leftist paragraph meme incomming

    Consider this, though: while the critical theory guy did prescribe to a specific branch of critical theory and fought in the revolution, he is now divorced from any collective communist movement that is able to challenge the status quo. with other words he became separated from the material conditions and the mass.

    This means that his actions do not benefit the working class per se, as they are not integrated into a unified struggle according to Lenin (ehm I mean, you know in universe Lenin, who isn't Kras Mazov) this would be the necessity that it actually is part of the class struggle of the working class as unified actor. Now this means that even though he started as a communist who was ingrained with revolution he isn't anymore.

    This explains why his individualistic take and taking out the sexual opponent to his voyeuristic self is done and also why he kind of creeped up on her having sex more often. Not just to gather intel, but arguably to sublime his emotions (Zizek and Lacan would be proud).

    My take on it is that even your hardest most theoretical concept - even if totally true - becomes irrelevant if not connected to real struggle. An example of this could be the RAF (red army faction), which in prison developed highly sophisticated advanced theory that couldn't be understood by others, they reached levels of critical theory rivaled by few - though it was completely useless as their assumptions e.g. doing a bit terrorism to unleash the spontaneous revolt of the German masses was wrong. They also were not able to influence the movement much form prison (which makes sense) and the movement continued to phase out.

    Another example is Abdullah Öcalan, who is in prison, but the collective and communities of the Kurdish people in no small part do continue collectively to support him and the works that are at all transmitted. We have here an example that actually includes the women's struggle as fundament, unlike the theory of the lone soldiers.

    However one thing is true, a cop can't be a communist (unlike he is an agent for the movement and then has to trust the movement with having the right political line and class understanding). One final point: When the revolution happened he was but a boy and he never was a military soldier.

    As such he shouldn't be understood as real human being but as symbol to compare to our times and ourselves.