just looking out over the vast yawning gulf created by all those sunk costs
Ah yes, the Liberal Agenda. So radically different and distinguishable from the Conservative Agenda, which is literally just this but the huge machines above your child are taxed significantly less. That would make me feel so much better. :amerikkka-clap:
YouTube; the website famously known for, uhh, definitely not pushing any right-wing propaganda ever.
I get all my HOMO cables on Monoprice. They’re just as good and way cheaper. Anyone else?
Last I checked liberals still very much like God, Family, Nation, USA, Free Speech and Two Genders.
Yes, but they have a rainbow flag bumper sticker so it's all good
Yeah this is the kind of art that when I saw it as a kid was REALLY fascinating for some reason
inject that paypal straight into my neurotransmitters, ahhhh that's the stuff