Basically I've beaten the game as Leon, really enjoyed it and I think I might play again as Claire sometime to get the full experience. But then there's also Second Run mode, which is different in and of itself though I'm not sure how much. I want to see how the stories are different, but I don't want to confuse second run changes for Claire campaign changes, if that makes sense, so I'd rather not jump right to Claire 2R if it's going to be very different from Claire's normal game.

So what I'm asking is should I play Second Run as Claire, or is it better to play through Second Run as the same character to see what's different? Or maybe the base game as Claire so I can see the "normal" story?

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It has been awhile since I played but I did Claire first then Leon second. It made more sense to me to see the other's POV since they are slightly different (but not massively or anything.) I think it would help make more sense of the story as a whole to do it like that since you hardly see each other in the first normal runs. I'm assuming you've never played the original RE2? It was always intended to be played back to back like that, but I can't really remember what exactly the second run mode changes besides adding a few more enemies.

  • Cloudx189 [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Play the 2nd run. It fills the gaps in Leon's story. Playing as Claire (a) first will then start the narrative and have the león (b) playthrough will fill her story.