I have a question I'd like to ask that will most likely start a struggle session, but i'ma ask anyway: do you guys believe that there is a problem of Islamic extremism in France and, if so, how do you think it ought to be addressed? I am not saying France doesn't have issues with racism and Islamophobia, because they obviously do, and I also do think that Macron's recent use of the term "islamo-leftism" to denounce gender, race, and post-colonial studies is both racist and hilariously stupid. With that said, what do you guys think is the best way to address the recent killings?
Also, at the risk of greatly increasing the possibility of a struggle session, I may as well ask if/how the issue of terrorism in Xinjiang compares to the situation in France, and whether a similar re-education policy would useful. Also I swear I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I've just been mulling this over and this is basically the only place on the internet where I can ask these questions and expect sane responses. Thanks for reading.
That's a lot more then I thought.
Asside from two attacks in 2015 and '16, these were all very small. More like murders and violent hate crimes than what we'd typically imagine as a terrorist attack. Only one showed any sort of organization and planning.
A good analogy would be mass shootings in America. More frequent than they should be. Each one is tragic, but on the whole, they don't amount to anything. They'd be a blip on the radar if not for those with an agenda to push.