• Star Wars Enjoyer
    9 months ago

    Israel is trying to claim they didn't do it after getting shock and horror from the west, but they're the only people who could've done it. And if it wasn't them the only other logical option would've been the US, and that's a much bigger fish to fry.

    this whole ass colonizer country is trying to "nuh-uh" warcrimes.

    **update, MSM is trying to say Hamas' "incompetence" did it. You can't make this shit up, MSM is trying to uno reverse card their way out of admitting that Israel is objectively evil.

      9 months ago

      I've been seeing a lot of "It was a failed strike by Hamas and the reason it did so much damage was because they were storing ammo in the hospital" or similar dumb shit on social media. I swear these people would believe "Aliens did it" before they would entertain the thought of Israel intentionally dropping a bomb on a hospital

    • DankZedong
      9 months ago

      So far not a lot of media seem to be taking the bait over here so it seems that the claim is too outrageous for them even

  • micnd90 [he/him,any]
    9 months ago

    If noone from Israel is tried in the Hague and receive a death sentence from the International Court of Justice, then just abolish the whole goddamn UN. What is the point of having international law if it is selectively enforced

      9 months ago

      Israel (like the US) isn't part of the ICC, so unlikely anything would happen in regards to that.

      Palestine is, however, and has been giving the ICC evidence of all the crimes Israel has committed for years. They've never done anything except shake their head and go "Yeah, something really needs to be done about that". Like the rest of the international community that has failed the Palestinian people time and time again.

    9 months ago

    The entire west enabled this. They are all guilty. They know what Israel is. It's one of their appendages that gets to do the thing they would all love to do: genocide.

    9 months ago

    Protesters in Jordan attempted to storm the Israeli Embassy in response to the hospital bombing:

    Israel won't stop unless forced to. If the rest of the world does not intervene there will be a huge conflict in the middle east.

    9 months ago

    well...if you're a psychopath who want to kill as many people as possible, what better place to do it that a place where people want to seek shelter?

    • Cyber
      9 months ago

      Hey comrade, calling these evil people “psychopaths” is not fair for people with the actual condition. Many medically diagnosed psychopaths live lives in which they don’t cause harm to anyone and adapt well to society. They didn’t wish to be born this way. Please, lets not be ableist. Lets just call the Israeli government and army “evil”, “murderers”, “genocidal”, “monsters”, “demons”, etc, but not ableist terms please.