Edit: Uhm akshually the point is that I couldn't tell whether or not this is irony because Twitter users really do say stupid bullshit like this and mean it (the joke went over my head sorry)

  • Barabas [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ah yes, 200 years ago when they checks notes would literally kill you for sodomy. What a time of acceptance.

      • Barabas [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yeah, that is an important thing when it comes to how people hype that people were accepting of homosexuality in Rome or Greece. More often than not it was being accepting of pederasty, it was fine to be "dominated" as a youth, but if you were an adult it was deeply shameful. There was a lot of macho bullshit tied up into it.

        • Bedulge [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yea. It's important to note that being the "receiver" of anal sex was considered shameful because it was thought that it feminized him. And of course, there was nothing more degrading than being a woman/feminine. The receiver was lower on a social hierarchy. There wasn't really acceptance of the concept of a loving sexual relationship between two adult men. And there's not really much of any records of gay marriages iirc. Closest I can recall rn was the boy Sporus, who was castrated and married to Emperor Nero as his "bride". There are indications that people of the time were scandalized by this.

          Fucking a boy was one thing, but making a boy your "wife" was something else entirely.


          Reading about the attitudes that ancient Greeks and Romans had about sex really revealed to me how much sexuality is socially ingrained. Projecting our beliefs and attitudes about sex backwards onto them (eg talking about whether Emperor X was "gay" or "bi") is an anachronism. If you want to understand how they thought about these things, you need to be willing to try and set your own preconceived notions and beliefs aside and try to look at the matter the way that they did. Saying that Nero was "bi" because he fucked both boys and women doesn't make really make sense, imo, because that's not the way they would have thought about it at the time.

          The screenshot poster up there is kind of right that no one was 'straight' 200 years ago. The words "homosexual" and "heterosexual" were made up by psychologists in like the 1860s. People in the year 1820 would not have been walking around thinking "I am straight/heterosectual" because people just didn't conceptualize it in the way we do today, they didn't even have a word for it. (tho, that's not to say that they "just fucked who they wanted" because there were still real social and legal consequences to people of the same gender fucking)

  • garbology [he/him]
    4 years ago

    "IMO everyone is a little bit bi" but said in the worst, needlessly weird way possible.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This is like a drunken history rendition of Foucault's history of sexuality