Suicide is by essence a revolutionary act. Yet, the most it is capable of being is revolutionary in the strictly idealist sense, not at the fault of the individual by any means. Dialectics emphasizes constant contradictions between opposing forces in society. Seeing society as always in fight between opposing forces is the crucial part of dialectical materialism, which is rooted in the materialist conception of history, rather than in the idealist notion. By materialism, it simply means that the contradictions lie in the material reality of individuals, primarily in the way society organizes its relationship with the means of production. When one fails to understand mental health through the dialectic lens, one fails to consider the class struggles rooted in mental illness, in disability, and in the way support itself is provided. Rehabilitation and asylum are nothing more than slavery of the mind. They restrict the very autonomy of the people they mean to provide, by reducing and isolating a person's mental illness or disability as a product of their individual (and not collective) reality. When reality is made to reduce a person to their individuality, stripped of any collective ways they can understand their material world, they are bound to end up into idealistic notions of thinking. When the systemic way classes are organized fails to be taught to a person struggling with disability, and how their disability is a product of their class struggle, affecting every single way they act, think, and behave, when this is reduced to being biological, being biological combined with social, being biological, social and environmental, there is no surprise that even with the so called social model of disability, with being 'eclectic', with being 'intersectional', one is still unable to come in terms with their material reality, and as such, falls into idealism. Their idealism is not their fault, but the fault of the material reality they are presented with. It is the fault of the system divided in classes, by means of oppression of the minority class over the majority through the brutal rule of capital over love, capital over compassion, and capital over actual support that can be provided. Understanding history is understanding the contradiction not just between idealism and materialism, but between dialectical idealism and dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism plays its role in every force of nature, and as such, the act of suicide cannot escape the material reality it is tied to. Suicide is the synthesis of the thesis of individuality that one escapes into, and the antithesis of the dialectical material world that is objectively grounded in class struggle. By saying that suicide is the higher form, a solution to the contradiction between idealism and materialism, one cannot denote that in a 'positive' sense. There is no positive or negative connotation about death. Death is an end to the objective material reality, regardless of the ways the reality presents itself in. Suicide is revolutionary because the individual has fought themselves against the existential need to live. But ultimately, it falls into revolutionary idealism because the solution is an act of the individualist thinking one is forced to have, from the material world. The ebbs and flow of dialectics make it impossible for someone to be in a fixed position of idealism or materialism.

If I somehow survive the individuality presented to me, I'll make it another day, fighting the material world dialectically. If I fall into the depths of idealism, the solution confronted to me won't make a difference in the negative or positive connotation associated with it. My cognitive state at this time can only think of an idealist revolution. I can fight it till liberation, or I can liberate my individual self from the collective struggle. There is nothing selfish or selfless about suicide, just as there is nothing selfless or selfish about living. Both the act of suicide and the act of deciding to live are decided by the material reality facing us combined with our cognitive interpretation of the material reality. Objectiveness fails to play into consideration the moment our subjective reality tries to grasp the world in its own way. There isn't anything objectively selfish, objectively selfless about suicide. Everything is decided by the material world. We fail to think of other people. "Oh, won't you think of what will happen to me?" Isn't that statement itself from an individualist point of view? You're trying to view my suicidality from your own bias of being related to me, not from the material reality that objectively influences our subjective worlds, both independently, and together. By assigning the act of killing yourself to the bias of being selfish is futile in every way. It fails to grasp the myriad of subjective ways the material reality was influencing me, it fails to understand the objective material world itself. All it does is portray the martyr as someone martyred by no choice but his own. By isolating every single factor the material reality plays and reducing my decision to take that knife as my own decision is failing to understand science. It fails to critically think of the material world, and thinks of the world as something separate from the individual. Again, by no fault of their own, when the liberal, or the bourgeoisie make this rational decision of calling suicide selfish, their thoughts are, ultimately, a product of the material reality of capitalism which isolates each individual from 8 billion others, and the system itself from all individuals. Liberalism is a product of idealism, which is a product of the material reality. Bourgeoisie and petit-bourgeoisie thinking are products of the same material reality.

This is probably going to be my last theoretical analysis of the world for a while, if not forever. As said above, the flow of dialectics means I'll come back to the materialist conception of thinking after a while, or I'll succumb to my idealist revolution, suicide. It has been unfortunate that my attempt to analyze the world has been this way. If I had been physically and mentally capable of praxis, maybe a more advanced synthesis could have been developed out of my current thinking. As Lenin said, "there is no revolutionary movement without revolutionary theory". Following Lenin and Chairman Mao, revolutionary application of theory in practice will lead to more advanced theory coming, as the material reality will sooner or later, deem necessary for it to come. To exist is to resist. I have done so for 20 years. Maybe I will continue doing so. I've never spent a moment not loving the potential of the people to resist. To fight their material reality. I've never once given up on the masses. The ability of people to show love and compassion. And I'll never give up on the collective struggle of the masses. But maybe, at least for now, I've given up on myself.

long live the revolution.

    1 year ago

    If you are using motivated reasoning to justify suicide, please don't comrade.

    If you can't create a better synthesis at the very least live your life. The longer you live the more chances that someone eventually comes up with that synthesis and can build back the power of the proletariet (most likely due to change in material conditions). Even if you are old and decrepit by then, you can make your death be meaningful towards the revolution to advance the cause or save the younger revolutionaries. Make our enemies have to spend time and resources to actually kill you. You are making it less costly for them if you do it yourself.

    Build yourself some human connections comrade. I know it is hard, but there are some good people in this world. Also remember that love of humanity locally has been a evolutionary selected for longer than over passively accepting ruling structures antithetical to their own well being. If your biological family isn't treating you well, hope you can at least build a found family.

    In the coming climate crisis, where pro social behavior is more prevelant there are higher rates of survival. You can encourage that behavior where you survive to create pockets of socialism. The callousness of facism or liberal idealism does not survive strife that well.

    You can't enact the necessary work when you are dead so stay alive to do the work when the time comes. Don't burden yourself with the revolution because YOU specifically don't need to do it all, WE do.

    I don't know you personally so I can't give you the connection you need. However I can tell you that you pulling yourself out of your suicidal ideation is more of a contribution to the revolution than killing yourself.

      1 year ago

      I'm not scientifically justifying my suicide. I'm not going to die. I just tried to analyze suicide and why its a contradiction. Why the capitalist superstructure forces us to think in individual terms, instead of a collective family. And as a result of that, we cannot see any other solution. Not that a solution doesn't exist. The solution is to think in material terms. Think of the actual reality that forces us to think idealistically. But at that specific moment, the suicidal person is forced to think of suicide as the only solution, not by any fault of theirs.

      I'm not going to kill myself. I can't. I am physically going to keep fighting until the end. Whatever end may come. By saying "long live the revolution", I meant the actual, socialist revolution, and not my own self proclaimed revolution of suicide. I've been dealing with mental illness and depression for more than 3 years, and Marxism has made me understand that in terms of collective struggle. This was just a vent, of me saying, for a while, I'll go back to thinking individualistically, because the primary contradiction now lies in me fighting my suicidal ideations by giving some time for myself.

      Again, to clarify, I am not going to do anything. I apologize that it comes across as that. This is not even related to me. I write to fight my depression because it helps keep things at bay. I've stopped writing as a means to let out my emotions, but instead to write how I understand the emotions and why the larger economic structure plays a role in it.

    1 year ago

    Suicide can have revolutionary forms, when revolutionaries do so in dire situations to avoid being captured and interrogated for intel. But suicide can also be a cover story for murder, or an abrupt end to the narration of your own story, or an easy way out.

    There is no revolutionary act in suicide by someone who says "long live the revolution" and then chooses to end their life under no immediate threat. I will not call you selfish, but hypocritical. Mental illness is not an excuse to pretend to be revolutionary.

    Just yesterday I watched the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, but I do not want to start comparing which disabilities are worse than others. Physical and mental disabilities are not something you can just wish away, that is why fighting to live, and trying to live a colourful life is more of a revolutionary act than suicide, because you can prove that your disabilities don't diminish your being.

    The bourgeoisie will be glad to hear of potential revolutionaries killing themselves, one less person to worry about, but as fellow comrades, it is us who will share the burden of a loss life.

    We cannot just dismiss an intentional suicide by saying "if that's what they really wanted".

    Marxists want to change the world into a better place for the masses, not end their own life as some sort of "revolutionary act", that would be a death cult. If you can justify ending your own life, imagine how easy it is for the bourgeoisie to justify killing all the impoverished and ill.

    To live is not just a biological instinct, it is also to defy those who wish you dead!

    1 year ago

    This sounds like it comes from this one subreddit that I won't name since it is pretty much an infohazard.

    1 year ago