What would my purpose even be? Can any good come of it for the left?

  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Best: Joining a burgeoning revolutionary communist movement. Doesn't really exist in the United States at the moment, so probably not on the table for you.

    Pretty good: Joining a party with communist roots, could be PSL, PCUSA, SAlt, or a handful of others. It's "pretty good" in theory, but internal politics can actually get in the way of actually getting anything done, depends on your branch. You might not even have a local branch at all which leaves you at square one.

    Good: Joining DSA , particularly if there is an active Marxist caucus at your local branch (if not, start one). They have people power on a national scale, and it can be more accessible if you have friends who are interested in getting politically involved. The stipulations for the above options also apply (internal drama and existing in your area).

    Fine: Joining your local Democrats. It's not "good", since it's a bourgeois party that doesn't do a single thing outside of electoralism. There is a slim chance that you might do a single good thing though (very slim, establishment liberals are very protective of their own, even at the local scale). Better than nothing I guess, cause at least you'll have a regional branch. We will call you a liberal if you talk about it on here though, and you'll have no rebuttal.

    Anyway, start at the bottom of the list, and work your way up if any of the others are available, the Democratic party should be a last resort, and you should keep it in perspective.