Boys under-18 being exposed to pornographic material is the most unspoken problem in our society & we got adult girls here profiting off of that.
I don't know why this isn't getting the attention that it should.
We are witnessing pedophilic adult females groom young boys & getting paid for it.
Something's not right when we permit these things.
Not most kids, to clarify just that some kids are getting most sex ed from porn and that's not a good thing.
Not all, but a significant amount of porn carries some rather unpleasent messages and undertones. It's not particularly healthy if that's your only or almost only source on what healthy sex is. It's going to lead to stuff like teenagers getting pressured into sexual activities they don't particuarly want but assume is what is expected of them. That's not good for anyone really.
It'd be like people trying to learn how to hack mostly by watching 90's heist movies. Only difference is most people don't go on to try and hack stuff. Most people go on to at least want a sexual relationship.