"There are two great classes in their society. The first class is the extremely rich, and the first is the extremely miserable poor. The rich have too much property, and they always use the power of capital to manipulate the national power to suppress the poor; most of the poor Reluctant to be suppressed by a few rich people, and think of various ways to resist the rich. That kind of action by the poor against the rich is called a social revolution. The cause of the social revolution is that the rich and the poor are too uneven in society."

-- Sun Yat-sen on American Capitalism

Sun Yat-sen was a Chinese revolutionary, physician, first president and founding father of the Republic of China. He was born on November 12, 1866, in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City), Guangdong Province.

Sun played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the years leading up to the Double Ten Revolution on October 10, 1911. He was appointed to serve as provisional president of the ROC when it was founded in 1912. He later co-founded the Kuomintang (KMT), serving as its first leader. A uniting figure in post-Imperial China, he remains unique among 20th-century Chinese politicians for being widely revered on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

After finishing primary education, Sun moved to Honolulu in the then Kingdom of Hawaii, where he studied at ʻIolani School. There he learned English, history, mathematics, science, and Christianity, and graduated in 1882. In 1883 he returned home to China. In 1886 he began courses in medicine, earning the license of Christian practice as a medical doctor from the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese in 1892.

During a rebellion against the Qing Dynasty in 1888, Sun met a group of revolutionaries who shared his increasing frustration by the imperial government’s refusal to Modernize. Not long after earning his degree, he quit his medical practice in order to devote his time to transforming China, founding the Revive China Society to replace the dynastic system with a modern nation-state in the form of a republic.

Numerous failed rebellions against the Qing Dynasty over the course of the next two decades led to Sun’s exile. In Japan at the time of the 1898-1902 Philippine Revolution and Philippine-American War, Sun helped procure weapons salvaged from the Imperial Japanese Army for the Philippine independence movement in the hope that he could use the archipelago as a staging point of a successful revolution in China.

End of an empire

On October 10, 1911, a military uprising took place at Wuchang, without Sun’s direct involvement as he was still in exile. This revolution succeeded in ending over 2000 years of imperial rule in China. When Sun learned of it from press reports, he immediately returned to China from the U.S. October 10th became known as Double Ten Day.

On December 29, 1911, a meeting in Nanjing of provincial representatives elected Sun Yat-sen as the provisional president. January 1, 1912, was set as the first day of the First Year of the Republic. The new Provisional Government of the Republic of China was created along with the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China.

Sun’s chief legacy resides in his developing the political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People: nationalism (non-ethnic and independent from imperialist domination), democracy, and the people’s livelihood (welfare, free trade and tax reform).

In 1912 a merger of small parties produced a new political party called the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party, or KMT). The emperor may have been deposed, but local warlords controlled much of the nation, and China’s new government had no military forces of its own. In a far-flung land without a recognized central government, Sun advocated reunification.

In 1915 Sun wrote to the Second International, the global union of socialist parties based in Paris, asking it to send specialists to help China set up the world’s first socialist republic. At the time there were many theories and proposals of what China could be. Socialists were themselves divided, of course, splitting apart into opposing national movements during World War I. :rose-fist:

By the early 1920s Sun had become convinced that the only hope for a unified China lay in a military conquest from his base in the south, followed by a period of political tutelage that would eventually transition to democracy. In order to hasten his goal, he began a policy of active cooperation with the Communist Party of China (CPC), established in 1921. Sun and the Soviet Union’s Adolph Joffe signed the Sun-Joffe Manifesto in January 1923. Sun received help from the Comintern for his acceptance of communist members into his KMT. Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin praised Sun and the KMT for their ideology, principles, and attempts at social reform, and congratulated him for fighting foreign imperialism. Sun returned the compliment, calling Lenin a “great man,” and sent his congratulations on the revolution in Russia.:lenin-cat:

In November 1924, Sun suggested a gathering for a “national conference” of the Chinese people and called for the end of warlord rule and the abolition of all unequal treaties with the Western powers. He died of liver cancer on March 12, 1925, at the age of 58 in Beijing.

Sun Yat-sen’s legacy

After Sun’s death, a power struggle between his young protégé Chiang Kai-shek and his old revolutionary comrade Wang Jingwei split the KMT over the claim to Sun’s legacy. When the Communists and the KMT split in 1927, marking the onset of the Chinese Civil War, each group claimed to be his true heirs, a conflict that continued through World War II. Sun’s widow, Soong Ching-ling, sided with the Communists and after they won served from 1949 on as vice-president of the PRC and briefly as honorary president before her death in 1981.

Sun Yat-sen remains unique among 20th-century Chinese leaders for his high reputation in both the PRC and ROC. On the mainland, Sun is seen as a Chinese nationalist, proto-socialist, and forerunner of the Revolution. He is even mentioned by name in the preamble to the Constitution of the PRC. In recent years, the leadership of the CPC has increasingly invoked Sun, partly as a way of bolstering Chinese nationalism and economic reform, and partly to increase connections with supporters of the Kuomintang on Taiwan, which the PRC sees as allies against Taiwan independence. A massive portrait of Sun continues to appear in Tiananmen Square for May Day and National Day.

Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:

The State and Revolution :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

The Conquest of Bread :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

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  • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    At reddit I was arguing with a redditor who I assumed was a typical GOPer with a not so veiled hatred of black people. He kept saying I was wrong about what he believed. But he wouldn't elaborate. After I spent far too much time on this silliness - he finally explained...

    Other than what I’ve listed, their views on certain things. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for some police reform and ending police brutality. And I’ve got nothing to hold against black people. I just simply believe their solutions won’t work. (For example; defunding the police) Also, I’ve heard somewhere that the head of the organization (supposedly) is a Marxist. And I heavily disagree with Marxism.

    If you were me - what would you ask him?

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I finally had a look at his history. There wasn't much politics but on page 3 I hit pay dirt...

        Let’s be honest. Half the nazis and commies out there got radicalized by memes.

        It's so weird to me to actually be talking to some idiot who actually believes in horseshoe theory.

          • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            You can have a look at other comments in this sub-thread. I think his first comments to me with open hostility to BLM and "8 months of rioting" was his real voice but then he did a big 180 even though his account is 3 months old so its likely an alt.

              • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                From a few short sentences all I can do is to do something silly - try read the tea leaves. Whoever he is - he's not honest so the convo was over.

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I might do that. If so - I'll disable comments. He'll surely wait and wait and wait for my reply but it'll never come.

    • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'd ask him, how would you suggest bringing an end to police brutality if not through defunding? Much of "defunding" is focused on "diverting" existing funds towards crisis first responders. This is common sense and sorely needed in American communities, so why are they against it? What actual current examples of defunding (there are depressingly few) are they actually against?

      Police literally are there to access if a crime is being committed. They are not trained in providing service to a community beyond accessing someone as a "bad guy," and it has been shown over and over that police are poorly trained in (everything, but especially) dealing with people who are neurodivergent or in mental distress. Taking guns away from the police doesn't solve this problem -- many high profile police killings share the common refrain of a family member tearfully telling a news reporter that they called 911 because they have always thought the role of the police is to help you.

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I just I woke up exhausted and I realized I only got ~3 hours of sleep. My reply to him was your reply to me with small changes like removing "I'd ask him" and changing some pronouns. I'll give you an update later. I expect his answer will be a max of 3 sentences. Maybe he'll only say to me something like "Oh, you're an idiot and a Marxist."

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Update - his reply wasn't what I expected at all and it feels phony...

        Well my experience with people who support BLM has been mainly people who just wanna cut funding instead of redirecting so if the majority actually do wanna redirect funding instead of just slashing it, then I’d agree with them on that.

        Before - he talked about 8 months of "rioting", 30 dead, and billions in damage. It sounded like a Fox News talking point even though he said he doesn't support the GOP. And now he's fine with redirecting funding? Also, "wanna"? Are we friends now?

        • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Hey, glad to help!

          Sounds like their previous "experience" before was an infographic on Sean Hannity. The police budget is publically funded, so of course the money has to be redirected somewhere.

          Does he think BLM is really a libertarian op with the end goal of lowering property taxes or something?

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I think he got embarrassed because he did a 180 and now he says he he's fine with police budgets are cut as long as the money is redirected.

          • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            Go me and my pyrrhic victory.

            It's not as if he's on Twitter using his real name. I don't know why he did the 180 - he's using 3 month old account that's surely an alt. And that thread is already old and our sub-thread is buried. Why is he hiding what he really thinks when he's only talking to me via an alt? People on the net can be strange.