idk, maybe askchapo is a better place for this.
Does anyone have like...experience or knowledge about hiring that will calm my anxieties?

I have had several customer service jobs, and as much as I don't want to do it again I have to do something and I don't feel qualified for much else.

Looking at stuff in my area there is a part-time position at a library nearby which sounds bearable....but thinking about applying for anything just gives me anxiety.

I quit my first job after working for over a year to go back to school, but I eventually went to the psych ward and dropped out.
Then some time later I tried working at a gas station, but left a note and quit one night because I couldn't handle the hours and dysphoria.
I tried getting a part time position at a grocery store a bit after that but quit after a day or two.
Since then I have just been a neet.
I am terminally unhireable.

If I go to an interview I have no idea what I am going to say. Idk what a background check is going to reveal. I'm trying to get a hold of my life, but it feels pointless at this point, I don't pass, I can't hold down a job, even if I could no one would hire me.

wtf do I even do.

  • PouncySilverkitten [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Hmm, it might be that you work more hours or maybe have some soft leadership responsibilities. Likely you would be expected to work semi-independently on tasks that are a little more involved than, say, shelving fiction books. Possibly they’ll want you to give feedback on the shelves to whoever is in charge of the pages. You might be asked to train new people on certain tasks. Every library is different, but I’ve yet to see a library that hires a lead to actually take charge of pages. Usually paging is supervised by someone in circulation or reference, depending on how the library divides up work. Definitely take a close look at the job description; they’ll put in if you’re intended to be in charge of people or do any kind of managerial work.