God you people are predictable. The second people call you out you scream “lib”.

The funny thing is for all your spleen venting John Oliver has undoubtedly done more to advance the goals of the American left than you ever have. He has introduced basic left wing talking points about race, the economy, history, societal structures and the deep systemic flaws within and made them palatable and easy to understand for the average American citizen (amazingly the average American is not a Twitter Bolshevik).

I actually credit John Oliver with helping me become more left. Because of his videos on the subject I wanted to learn more left wing things and I discovered Lindsay Ellis, then Shaun, then from Shaun Contrapoints and from her Three Arrows and then philosophy tube and Some More News, renegade cut. All because a funny comedian met me where I was at and got me interested in politics.

(I can't wait for you to explain to me how all those people are actually sucky sellout libs).

If you actually want leftist goals to succeed you have to convince the average person to adopt leftist beliefs and that means conversing with them on their level.

I seriously don’t understand what wannabe revolutionaries like you sneering and sniping at people online and demeaning them and calling them shitty libs actually accomplishes.

Do you think they’ll stick around and listen to your brilliant theory analysis after you basically told them to go fuck themselves?

Is it praxis to be on par with a dead pigs rotten asshole in terms of charisma and charm?

Or are you actually seriously delusional enough to think that there are enough of you and you are well organised enough to bypass electoralism all together and have a revolutionary war?


But whatever you think, as you are now you are not the solution to the lefts problem, rather you are an annoying parasite that alienates fence sitters, causes infighting and validates right wing narratives.

And the only reason you do it is entirely for selfish reasons. So that you get to feel intellectually and ethically superior to others.

Grow up and leave the tankie larping to the playground!

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I had to unfollow her around election day because she was expressing some kind of orgasmic joy at the idea of black people in Atlanta going to vote for Joe. Kept posting videos of black people dancing like every hour or so as the results from Ga were coming in.

    It's that thing that white libs do when an election day comes up, where they start talking about black people as if they are magical negros. Then after election day passes they forget all about it.

    • Punk [he/him]
      3 years ago

      bro that's exactly the same time i unfollowed her lmao. shit was so fucking gross.

      • Bedulge [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yess thank you. I can barely even articulate why I found it so off-putting but it just felt so fucking weird. Libs do that shit all the time and I always find myself thinking like "Do you actually have black friends or like...?"

        • Punk [he/him]
          3 years ago

          yeah i have no issue if someone wants to celebrate biden getting elected like i think it's dumb but crack on, but maybe don't do it with a digital minstrel show celebrating the man who incarcerated shitloads of black people

          also i try to be pretty understanding so probs would've just ignored it but fuck me she was posting new ones like every 5 mins

          • Bedulge [he/him]
            3 years ago

            a digital minstrel show celebrating the man who incarcerated shitloads of black people

            Fuck yes. Good way to put it.

    • ComradeMikey [he/him]
      3 years ago

      i unfollowed her awhile ago, i liked her better when i didn’t know the politics and just watched her media analysis which i tended to enjoy. lol maybe thats what Ill do from now on.