Top Speed: 90mph (~144 km/h)

Avg. Speed: 60mph (~96 km/h)

Projected Yearly Ridership: 700k

A one-way trip will take about 2.5 hours, roughly the same as driving.

The project has received $194.7M from Minnesota, meeting the 20% local funding required for federal grants

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    11 months ago

    oh hey I've seen this one

    yeah its pretty cool considering MN is going from 1 long distance train that cuts across the state to two, and the new one actually goes intrastate along a major busy highway route. wish it was faster, but they wouldn't spend the money to go 110, probably couldn't justify it using the stupid federal cost effectiveness formula.

    and actually its gonna sorta be 3 train lines because they're also adding additional service to the route that's currently just empire builder between chicago and st paul