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  • FidelCastro [he/him]
    4 年前

    Since everyone’s weighing in, like kids here’s the thing - even if cephalopods are “intelligent” they still only live a couple years and are one of the more sustainable sources of animal protein, which some do need, so comparing this to factory farming is dishonest tbh

    Shut the fuck up and go eat crickets if you care that much about "sustainable sources of animal protein". Cephalopods cannot be farmed sustainably because no fucking animal can be farmed sustainably.

        • StLangoustine [any]
          4 年前

          Arguably most things are compatible with environmentalism if you don't do them too much and compensate the damage you do.

          Like people can have a bit of flying planes as a treat as long as most other things are carbon negative.

      • bottech [he/him]
        4 年前

        Because only 10% of the calories animals consume can be recovered through consumption of their meat which is very inefficient

        • StLangoustine [any]
          4 年前

          Sure, it's inefficient, but that doesn't mean it can't be done sustainably. Hell, some people been "farming animals" sustainably for centuries.

          • bottech [he/him]
            4 年前

            It could be done, but not on a big scale, if we want to stop global warming we need to stop feeding people with meat since its just inefficient and a big producer of greenhouse gasses