• TupamarosShakur [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Is it your first time doing psychedelics? Personally I wouldn’t. The first time I took shrooms was amazing, but I also went absolutely wild, screaming in the streets, at one point I actually ran away from my friends and got lost in the woods, threw a bunch of almonds around my friend’s house and then was running in circles around his house. I sorta lost it. Which was fun though, but I’m glad I had people there, they were saints and put up with all my shit, but you don’t know how you’ll react and I think it’s good to have people there. I’ve also trip sat for people who absolutely needed it. It’s also good if you end up in a loop or a bad trip they can help talk you down.

    Although as you say you only have people irl you don’t really trust. This could be worse than having nobody since that distrust could really come out in the shrooms and lead to a bad trip.

    We used to buy them on the Silk Road (which is illegal). But once that shut down, we discovered you could have magic truffles (which contain the same active ingredient, psilocybin) shipped from the Netherlands into the USA. We had a P.O. Box at our local post office already (which we had used for Silk Road) and we would order them there. I’m not actually sure if that was legal, or some weird legal loophole, or what, but it worked. This was around 2013/2014 however and I’m not sure if this is still possible. Last time I checked the old site I used to order from doesn’t allow this anymore. Maybe other ones do? Idk

    Edit: yeah a lot of people making a good point here, a lot of sober people will trip sit and decide to do the “haha this guy is on drugs” thing which is always a put off. A trip sitter needs to be respectful of the experience.