(I'd post a link but it's a locked thread and the screenshot is the whole entire thing so nah)

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Pedophilia is a mental illness. He should get therapy. He should not be merely thrown into a concrete box, certainly not if he hasn't hurt a real, flesh and blood child.

    Any pedophilic act (involving a real child I mean) is a disgusting crime that needs to be dealt with because it can do such severe mental damage to the child but do we really want to send the cops to imprison people with mental illnesses who haven't hurt any actual person?

    Were ya'll not serious last summer when everyone was talking about "Fuck 12" and "abolish prison"? Now we are going to send the cops to imprison mentally ill people for committing thought crimes?

    I don't think a good society will be throwing people into jail just because it has been decide that he has a predisposition toward a certain crime.

    The father, who really did commit crimes against a real child tho? fuck that guy, to be clear