• WhatAnOddUsername [any]
    3 years ago

    I used to have a big problem with always sleeping in, but now I wake up at 6:00 AM every day, including weekends.

    The first thing I always do is drink some water. It's a fairly easy thing to do, and I find that, after I've had some water and maybe brushed my teeth, my hatred of being awake has mostly dissipated. Sometimes I'll even tell myself "Look, just have a glass of water, and if you still want to go back to bed after that, then you can do that." It's been a while since I've slept in (at least, without intentionally planning to sleep in ahead of time) and I find that, if I can get as far as drinking water, then I avoid going back to bed.

    I wake up early enough to do stretches at a non-stressful pace before I start using any electronics or doing any work.

    I set a timer to go off every night at 9:40 PM to turn my computer off, and I also have a daily scheduled task in Windows that automatically shuts my computer down at 9:40 PM. At that point I meditate for 4 minutes, and then read books in my chair until I get tired enough that I feel like lying down. I only use my bed for sleeping and occasional short naps.

    I've personally found it helpful to give myself a reward if I've woken up and done my morning routine a certain number of days. For me, I find fast food really tempting, so I decided that I would only eat a fast food meal if I could wake up at 6:00 without going back to sleep for 1 day. Then I upped it to 2 days, then 3 days, and so on.