like, if you're going to make me write about your company, please give me something to work off of. "This opportunity will let you develop and hone your skills" means absolutely fuck all to me.

  • AntipastoAktion [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I cannot stand cover letters. Like holy fuck are they awful. And the worst part is is that they're fucking useless. Everybody knows about them, everybody knows that there's algorithms that exist to pick out key words, so everyone fakes the letters anyway. So what's the fucking point of it? To know that I know how to read an advice website and slap key words from the posting into it?

    Funnily enough, of all the jobs I've interviewed for, I've had the most success without cover letters and very little effort. Just a generic resume and a "Hello, I am interested in this job, I can do X Y Z, call me or email me, thanks" email.