Is the implication here that if the United States didn't go into Vietnam, that droves of middle class white boys from the suburbs would ship themselves off to Asia to kill the people in Mai lai themselves?
Is the implication here that if the United States didn't go into Vietnam, that droves of middle class white boys from the suburbs would ship themselves off to Asia to kill the people in Mai lai themselves?
Finally, someone gets it.
The way you talk about this makes it sound a like videogame walkthrough guide; I mean...
seriously consider killing your officers.
Much easier said than done I suppose!
It’s not a hard decision, especially if you’re a leftist.
Too bad most Americans weren't leftists, go figure.
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No it sucked ass cause it wasn't funny. It was literally just dead rats and no punchline. That shit is lame as fuck and so is this "meme"
Where did I apoligize for the genocide? Like can you point to the exact quote?
fucking lol did you expect the soliders to have magic crystal balls to predict their futures? Fuck off with your gotcha comment
lol fucking bet
You can't make me :data-laughing:
It's just tryhard as fuck, if you want to make edgy "haha troops cringe/dead" posts at the very least make them funny.
One of the few times I'd unironically comment "read theory"
I will literally never watch this clip no matter how many times it's reccomended to me.
No particular reason either I just know it'll piss off parenti-pepes
So I may or may not have been listening to a audiobook while typing that comment leading to gross spelling errors, that being said I will not correct myself cause it's probably funnier if I leave it that way.
Yeah when I go two hours without hitting my Cartnite dab team I strain myself silly, it's seriously unhealthy bro.
No. They had the option to desert.
Don't like capitalism? Starve and become homeless.
Don't like the war your fighting? 5 years in prison, then starve and become homeless.
Easier said than done.
There was a literal world war between WWI and Vietnam along with vastly wealthier United States and welfare state post-GI bill, Apples and Oranges Comparason.