BigDaddy [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2020


  • Yeah, girlfriend wouldn't expect any $ from the other side jobs I did. It just seems that because I work for my landlord, and because I chose to have the landlord take my earnings out of our rent for convenience, it sounds unfair because she's "paying more for rent." Someone else said it's just our lizard brain logic lol.

  • No I just meant if I split this earnings w/ girlfriend I would only make $10 per hour, GF would take the other $10.

    Rent is $985. 10 hours landscaping at $20 per hour = $200 The check I write for rent, therefore, is $785 Girlfriend pays $492.5 I pay $292.5 because I've been counting that $200 off rent as my income. In this scenario, she thinks we should each pay $392.5

  • Am I in the wrong here?

    My girlfriend and I live together. I'm in grad school and barely make any money with a GA position. Also, I'm terrible with money and have nothing in savings. My girlfriend has about 4k in savings and gets paid about the same as me for her work.

    I landscape on the side for my landlord--$20 per hour. They offered to pay me in cash but I just have them take it off rent. Not so much now, but in the summer months I work roughly 10-15 hours in a month, taking $200-$300 off my portion of rent. I consider this kind-of a part-time job. I thought this was fair since it's my labor and not easy work--$20 per hour is a bargain (I built a patio, redid two large overgrown beds, etc.)

    My girlfriend and multiple friends of hers think we should split the pay evenly since it's taken off of rent. She said in the context of a relationship, it's fair this way. In a perfect world, sure, I get that it's a partnership; however, she's ignoring the context of me being perpetually broke, having to work unpaid labor through my internship/practicum, and her being better off financially.

    Should I split this pay? That would mean I'd only get paid $10 per hour for my labor. Maybe I'm thinking to individually and I am an asshole here but fuck I barely get by as is, I kind-of relied upon this side-gig to pay my portion of things.

  • BigDaddy [he/him]tomainClick here to die instantly
    4 years ago

    "Much cheaper to "repair" the high-quality "unit" than to replace with something else with a random quality in return. Might take years, and several replacements, to find someone who could produce his numbers."

  • BigDaddy [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I've watched: The Queen's Gambit, Ratched, Ozark, and The OA. Queen's gambit is the story of a woman in the 1950-60's who is a child chess prodigy and does a lot of drugs. Ratched is campy, fun American Horror Story-esque. Ozark is about a money-laundering family and filled with great acting. OA is out-there stuff--kind of a trippy, dimension jumping show with a crazy storyline. If you can make it through the first season the second is one of my favorite seasons ever.