Blablablanoonecares [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2021


  • No the vaccine isn't vegan but veganism is about the practical reduction of animal harm. As there almost definitely will never be a vegan alternative to the vaccine its take the ones we have or never take it. To not take it would, in my opinion, leave more people vulnerable to a preventable death. So yes I'll get the vaccine (and wish it was so that it could be vegan as I do with almost anything that isn't) to live and organize around omnis who can't get vaccinated for health reasons and to save more animals. It's not a simple dilemma but again veganism is not about constant perfect vegan actions till you die its making as many actions as you reasonably can to reduce animal suffering. Hope this helps ❤

  • I would say many comrades have many disagreements over what can be allowed in our beliefs and still be seen as a comrade. From Anarchism vs Communism to China communist or capitalist and others big to small . A vegan calling you not actually a leftist is a mirror to a leftist calling veganism not a part of socialism. Both are wrong and, in my view, are dividing disagreements that make leftists weaker and not stronger. Comrades should see our differences as something to grind away at together to get stronger in fighting capitalism not as lines in the sand that can't be crossed. For that we must sit at the same table and talk in good faith. Sorry for any vegans who wouldn't do that. I want more leftists (and anyone) to be vegan. Not classify non vegans as non leftists. I hope that less vegans take this divisive route which will allow for more fruitful conversations and then conversions. Thanks for reading.

  • Veganism isn't a lifestyle or liberal. It's inflammatory posts like these that make us the agitators were stereotyped as especially online. Ban any and all racists but calling vegans here racist doesn't help anyone. And yes I've seen the posts that call omnis libs and the posts that call indigenous people barbaric and they're terrible and have no place among non wrecker leftists. Ive also seen many posts telling vegans it's just "food" and calling POC vegans white. People must understand vegans are comrades, omnis are comrades, and comrades have struggle sessions over important disagreements. So can we argue in good faith like comrades should?

  • Blablablanoonecares [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Every meat eater here has perfect immunity to not go vegan cus of x and y. Creates a shield for people who could easily go vegan because for some people "they have to". So many posts that basically say it's genocide if I don't eat meat, I'll starve I if I don't eat meat, I have an illness that requires me to eat meat, etc. How can anyone argue against this in good faith? Can't they just admit they don't care about animals more than they like meat? Why do they have to set up flaming hoops we have all seen and jumped through before? Tbf I'm sure these people exist, but they're seemingly everybody and everywhere. Cows can't post asking people to stop killing them only we can. Yet meat eaters on this site act as if your killing them 🥲.

  • Blablablanoonecares [he/him]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    This is sinophobia. This is chauvinism. This is white imperialism. This is indigenous erasure. This is anti poor. I'm sure I'm missing some right? Cause making fun of people with logic that lets them take part of an globaly abusive system carefree is actually not ok and not funny its all of these terrible things. Why? My lived experiences. My ancestors lived experiences. You cannot argue against these and if you do you are a bourgeois imperialist rich white vegan devil. I'm vegan BTW

  • Blablablanoonecares [he/him]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Lol I read that to and couldnt belive it. I love being a compassionate leftist. Except when it comes to things that aren't human. They all deserve to die terrible pointless deaths . I am very smart.