ComradeMonotreme [she/her, he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • From the debate at the time, I think it was a timing thing too, you jump too soon you’re an ethereal hyperdrive ship that passes through them, you jump too late their shields are up and /or their tractor beam is stopping you (for small kamikaze ships).

    That’s why I think Leia should have done it and for any non force user it would have been next to impossible etc. Plus it completes Kylo’s ascension that both his parents are dead.

  • There was only two things that were good.

    The infantry landing onto the side of a space destroyer in high atmosphere was a neat idea. Undone I think by having the weird horse cavalry. Really needed an Andor or Rogue One seriousness to pull off.

    But I did like the Rey and Kylo Ren being able to affect and pass objects accross time and space. It built on the force projection from the Last Jedi.

    It felt weird and magical how the force should be. And they used it enough in earlier scenes that passing the saber back and forth was not a deus ex macchina in the finale.