I'd be more hyped if I had any prospects of getting to live there. I'm gonna be stuck here in the collapsing empire while the cool guys are doing communism across the sea
organise. The conditions are ripening we must be ready
Organize with who? The trump supporters? The incoherent libertarian tech bros? The genocide-supporting democrats? I'm in the deep south comrade, I have never met another socialist.
edit: you can still try to radicalise anyone showing doubt in the system which I think there will be plenty
I’m in the south too. We’re less prevalent but we’re here. Contact an org
I have looked into every single relevant org including fuckin DSA. None has a presence within 100 miles of me.
Well we’re a quarter of the way through but I’m sure they’re doing communism any day now
I dunno I bet China us too nice to do a century of American humiliation.
We need an Iranian century too.
Gotta learn Chinese
I was in a situation where I was all set up to learn basic/introductory mandarin in person in a classroom setting for no cost but my time, and covid hit and wrecked everything.
that opportunity is gone now, but if I can every orchestrate something like that again, I am going for it.
I've tried conversational audio lessons on my own, and have done that for basic skills in a few other languages... but the tonal thing with mandarin throws me and I can hear myself as being way off. baby needs in person instruction!
I know AI isnt very popular around here and for good reason, but this is one of the legitimate uses I think. Just like anything else, stuff like ChatGPT will hallucinate if you ask it direct questions, but its actually pretty helpful if you say something like "I'm going to speak to you in Mandarin Chinese, repeat back to me what I said in English and output my text in Simplified Chinese characters". I've used the new conversation feature of the mobile app to help me drill sentences and practice tones, along with stuff like Hello Chinese that has speech recognition for its lessons too.
Pretty hyped. Hopefully I can get a good electric car or go on a big train ride across Asia in my lifetime.
Moderately hyped, given that the PRC is definitely better than NATO by orders of magnitude.
I would be much more hyped if the PRC abolished private property.
However, I think that the celebrations over the disintegration of the empire are premature for many reasons.
Hyped if the government doesn’t whiff things for us here in Australia, I want a cheap EV.
"yeah mate we fucken hate the bloody chinese, just look at how racist we are"
Also Australia:
"They ended the LOBSTER TARIFF?!? fuck it, ni how m8s, we love flogging off shit"
ShowShowMeanwhile the Australian ambassador to the US is a fluent Mandarin speaker and Dengist
It does seem weird that Rudd is not Ambassador to China.
My impression of Rudd is that hes a dogshit lib in literally every other issue but hes marginally more sane on china because hes a massive weeb for china lol
I get the impression that he's a huge technocrat nerd at heart but will do anything politically because of the egomania
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Please Xi, can I have honourary Chinese citizenship so I can become a train conductor for CRH?
I told Drew Pavlou on Twitter that me and his mother had sweaty, animalistic, National Geographic-levels of sex while Comrade Hao's rendition of Without the Communist Party there would be no China was playing on the surround sound
lukewarm personally, since I am in the US sphere of influence
happy for them though
It would be a lot cooler if I wasn't stuck in a first world country that loves exploiting themselves.
I mean I'm Chinese and I live in China and it's pretty chill rn. More like "hundred years of technological advancement, affordable housing and food, indoor smoking and space exploration hooray"
Like you can't fathom how little people care about such pressing issues in day to day life. Public spaces are public for the people to walk and loiter, old ladies will get together and form dance troupes on the side of the road, abundant housing and the public transport to access them.
Its pretty good.
This is another point in favor of “yes China is actually socialist right now” to me. Honestly one of the things that drew me to socialism early on was precisely what you are describing: a dream of a society where concerns for the essentials in life are minimal, people have spaces (and time) to socialize, and overall you just have a more socially healthy society. Would love to have this in the US but it’s pretty great that the largest country in the world (and ascendant) has it.
Because that's sooo much worse than Amazon and
and whatever western slop we already have
I mean, Temu, Shein, and gacha games suck, there's no doubt about that. Could China be doing a lot more to reign them in? Absolutely. But I'd argue that even if we're just focusing on companies making a profit, a Chinese century IS better than the current state of affairs.
For one, as crappy as those companies are, they're not a monopoly and aren't likely to become monopolies anytime soon because China has an anti-monopoly law.
Secondly, Elon Musk has threatened to coup Bolivia (and "whoever we want! Deal with it!") over lithium, and while he is just one example, many western companies have couped or otherwise coerced/destabilised other countries to protect their profitability, and they're continuing to get away with it scot-free. Coca Cola's death squads in Colombia is another example that comes to mind. None of China's companies, as far as I know, have couped or coerced/destablised a country for business interests. I'd say that alone makes for a more peaceful 100 years.
Thirdly, as @SmokinStalin@hexbear.net mentioned, Chinese billionaires have been executed for doing things that go against the public good, whereas billionaires get total impunity in the west, regardless of how much their actions harm the general population. The billionaire class is also accountable to the government, rather than the government being influenced by wealthy donors like we have in much of the west (and other neoliberal countries).
Of course, China can always do better. But I'd be hard-pressed to find how things can get worse (or even make no improvement) under a Chinese century compared to a continuation of what we currently have.
I mean, china has actually taken steps against predatory gaming practices within its own borders. Leaps ahead of the US having no protections whatsoever
nah they fucking wanted to pass legislation and then didn't. if they fucking cared they would have outlawed that shit years ago, but profit over everything just like everywhere else
Bedtimes for gamers was a genuinely good if small step. And chinese billionaires have been executed for doing billionaire shit, may not be great but it's a hell of alot better than the total impunity capital has here.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: