Cunigulus [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2022


  • If the Krauts could invent it 80 years ago, a modern, educated nation of 33 millions souls with access to the internet can certainly make it happen. They also have years of experience at this point and help from Iran (which is certainly overstated). The chauvinism that they must be Iranian missiles is infuriating to me. These sorts of capabilities are important to Ansar'Allah and they're absolutely capable of manufacturing these. Why wouldn't they? They're human fucking beings with brains and educations. They're not animals.

  • That's the key here. You'll never be able to get the smart human who knows what's going on out of the loop, at least not with LLM-based 'AI', but it will be a very useful tool. Rather than a senior developer reading and fixing the code of half a dozen juniors, he'll write half a dozen AI prompts and then fix the code they inevitably screw up. This won't work for low-level or performant code, but for most of what people are working on it will work well enough. All the people learning to code now are fucked, but senior people with experience should be ok. The problem will come when they all retire in 20-30 years and software has been a dead-end job no one wants to get into for a generation.

  • See this line makes no sense to me. A two state solution is would help preserve Israel long-term. Heightening tensions threaten to lead to collapse. It's not actually in Israel's interests to pursue this kind of conflict, it's happening due to a particular set of internal political contradictions. I also don't read US support for Israel as some Machiavellian imperial plot. It undermines imperial interests pretty heavily to be constantly pissing off the whole Arab world. It forces them to rely on illegitimate and therefore weak regimes and constantly engage directly in the region to stymie organized resistance. It's really just zionist ideology driving this whole endeavor.

  • I really disagree that support for Israel is just a straightforward extension of imperialist interests. It really is its own project that exerts outsized political influence even to the detriment of the imperialist project as a whole. The ambivalent attitude towards Israel by early post-war US governments demonstrates this. Truman and Eisenhower treated Israel on the basis of objective interests of the empire. US politicians in more recent times will sacrifice imperial interests to support Israel, and that is definitely due to their political influence and blackmail operations.