Really though, go to community college for 2 years and transfer to a 4 year. You save a shit ton of money and get the same degree after 4 years.
Really though, go to community college for 2 years and transfer to a 4 year. You save a shit ton of money and get the same degree after 4 years.
good for him, every other britpop frontman ended up becoming full blown conservatives or neolibs
Intergenerational homes should be normalized. That being said, I also think that if adult children are able, they should help with shouldering the home expenses and not burdening their parents. In exchange, I do think kids should help take care of their elderly parents when they get really old, rather than throwing them in those hellish old folks homes.
For someone who is pretty much blackpilled on electoral politics, will this change anything substantially? Will this make it easier for soc dem candidates to win national offices in NV?
At this point Jimmy Dore and Sam Seder aren't that substantially different in terms of their content. Jimmy has just does more of the over the top dirtbag persona, while Sam takes the more wonky affect. It makes me laugh when their respective stans try to no growth each other considering how similar they are when you boil it down to the substance.
the aging cringe of Gen Xers
Michael could be really fucked up sometimes when he talked to Jamie - he'd not only talk over her but do it in a really condescending way
TYT progressives are all the same
It's pretty clear that there is some bad blood between her and Sam. She was liking posts yesterday on her account that suggests as much. She's outgrown the show, good for her to getting off of MR - it's become MSNBC lite since Brooks died
Hope you have this same energy for every "leftist" podcast including Chapo and Trueanon who rake in more a year than 95% of anyone here will ever make in their lives
I wonder how many of the people in that picture are gonna drop dead from COVID within a month
bernie needs to retire . He's basically a cucked shadow of himself at this point.
Biden literally lied to your face about $2000, made kids in cages woke, bombed Libya, and more than half you cucks will vote for him again in 2024! 😘
Can't wait to hear AOC and Bernie explain why progressives should support this
Daniel Bessner wrote a good essay recently that relates to what you're feeling
Seeing him be a mascot for the Biden admin is so pathetic
give me Ho Chi Minh, he actually won
Bingo, it'll be much easier and more productive to organize a counter protest/event