EdgyMint [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • EdgyMint [he/him]
    togamesJust finished Subnautica for the first time!
    1 year ago

    Thanks for the advice about Below Zero!

    It does sound like I'd like it the same if not more. I had no idea subnautica had plot more than just escape and I found the lore and storytelling to be incredibly compelling. If it's got more of that then I'm definitely on board!

    And a third game in the works is very exciting. I like that it's a shared universe with natural selection 2. That was a fun game too!

  • I like this stuff :( It helps me drink water as a garbage millennial whose more comfortable sipping from a 16oz cab than a water bottle since I grew up drinking energy drinks. I don't think I ever drink as much water per day as when someone bought a case of liquid death for me

  • I couldn't tell you why but I don't think it would. It's jank as hell but you could try dipping a rag in the brake fluid reservoir to get a little bit of it (def careful not to take enough to go below the line) as brake fluid is often similar to if not exactly ATF. I find it works pretty well as penetrating oil even without cutting with solvent.

  • If you've got a jack for the car an old classic is to wedge the jack under the tire iron with thr car still on the ground then jack it up. It's slow but even shitty scissor jacks can generate tons of force.

    Additionally I don't usually apply this to lug nuts but often a stuck bolt can be broken loose by starting it moving in the tightening direction then switching to loosening.