EndOfHerstory [she/her]

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2021


  • EndOfHerstory [she/her]tochat*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    I understand that. Could still check out which trade schools are available; look up the gender ratio for that trade to see how Dudes™ the vibe is likely to be, and avoid any trade that has a residential service aspect.

  • EndOfHerstory [she/her]tochat*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Assuming you're in the US because I don't know about elsewhere, you could check if there are any union trade schools in your area?

    Sometimes they'll pay for your schooling and you'll have a paying job as an apprentice right off the bat. In my area, depending on the trade, they don't care too much about resumes or work history.

    As long as you're able to do a short interview, perform the job, pass a drug test, and pass your classes, you're set. It can be hard work, but definitely something to look into.

  • I played it all, definitely not libertarian cringe. I really enjoyed the story, although it's not Marxist Theory: The Soulslike or anything.

    It... doesn't run great on Switch. Crashed multiple times, glitched in a frustrating way during one of the first boss fights, just felt kinda janky at points, had to restart it when it slowed down too much to play. But if that doesn't sound like it'd bother you too much, definitely go for it. I enjoyed it a lot once I embraced the jank.