Enver_McTim [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2021

  • I've lived in states that are about a quarter of the size of the EU, but with less than 1% of the population

    Besides Alaska there aren't multiple states that would fit that description tho. Texas is about one-sixth of the size of the EU but has a huge population, Montana's the 4th biggest state (after AK/TX/CA) but around one-twelfth the EU's size

    You're probably being hyperbolic or smth this is just me being pedantic lmao I have OCD

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankWe are so back
    7 months ago

    gen z is simultaneously pretty sex positive and virginity positive


    "Women who sleep around and wear crop tops and short shorts are wh*res with no self-respect, your body is a temple"

    "Young people today are sexless losers who spend all day their phone, when I was in high school half my class got drunk and gave each other chlamydia"

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]tonewsGay sex wins again
    8 months ago

    Yeah stuff like mile high club is legaler than you think, one time I took weed gummies with my ex-boyfriend before a flight which gave us the brilliant idea to go to the first class bathroom together at 4am to "make out," he gave me a blowjob and that was that. It's literally only illegal if you're caught in the act and something like that you physically can't be, just don't make noise

    Not recommending or condoning it we're just fucking stupid stoner college kids. If someone saw us coming out, we pass as two straight guys so we thought we'd say something like "we're just friends who needed somewhere private to talk about something personal" centrist In the off chance someone presses you can just pull a limited hangout and say this is the first time you're seeing each other in a while and you wanted to kiss, there's literally no way they can know you did more

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]tochatHexbear meet ups?
    10 months ago

    I messaged someone a year ago after he implied he was a college student in my state. We exchanged instagrams and he turned out to be over 40 at a community college (which is cool, I assumed he'd be my age but was still happy to have a hexbear for an insta mutual)

    Then he started flirting with me, although when I told him I wasn't interested in that he stopped. But then he asked if we could meet up, and for me to "prove I'm actually 19 and not a minor" because "it's hard to tell with people around your age" or something. Told him pretty definitively that I didn't want to meet up, and blocked him after he was like "you sure? Just looking for a communist friend, and I have free beer"

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]toaskchapoWhy do so many of you hate Tiktok?
    1 year ago

    Those comments are meant to be stupidly funny for teenagers not have substance lol (tho theyre pretty clever sometimes imo). If you get it you get it (and are also probably terminally online)

    The self-censorship is bc tiktok has a history of shadowbanning content that uses certain words

  • I only found one poll measuring 18-24 year olds (Harvard-Harris) and they phrased the questions in a really manipulative way; like you can immediately infer support for Israel would be lower if they didn't force you to pick between "Israel" and "Hamas" (and when you don't even have a "no answer" option, people who are generally pro-Palestine but don't want to openly side with Hamas will just... not answer). And yet pretty surprisingly, half of 18-24 yos sided with Hamas?



    All this poll tells me is gen z is relatively based and millennials are also a bit more based than I assumed

  • A lot of people also aren't falling for it since they remember 01

    I'm sure a lot of people can see that, but it's also kinda ironic how people who weren't even old enough to truly remember post-9/11 are far more on the right side of history on this lol

    Like I'm 20, no one my age was even born on 9/11 and yet it definitely seems like the majority of people my age support Palestine, and actively supporting Israel almost seems fringe. Meanwhile most 30-35+ year old Americans who should be seeing the parallels seem like proud zionists

  • Ngl I don't fully understand the point of content warnings in so many cases where the warning is equally as potentially triggering as the content itself.

    I get it if the content of the post is actually worse, but in a lot of cases it's like, people already mention the same exact thing they're giving a warning for... by saying it in the warning. Example:

    "CW: SA

    They were sexually assaulted"

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]tochat*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I'm also bi and have a cat like this. I think he likes girls more in general though, even when I bring a guy friend over he's hissing at him, but he's always immediately warm to girls? He was abused by a man in the past so I think I'm pretty much the only man he likes (when I first got him it took a while for him to like me)

    He especially hates when I date men and have them over a lot. He doesn't scratch or bite but he peed in my ex-bf's limited edition nike shoes as well as on his work pants that were on the floor! He's neutered and these are literally the only occasions he's peed outside of his litter box

  • showing off your white privilege

    Idk mate, not so sure if race is as important of a privilege factor here when we're comparing a sheltered multimillionaire Harvard graduate with lifetime secret service protection to a queer indie artist who dropped out of public college because she couldn't afford it (and had little recognition until the last couple years). I'm not saying Lucy Dacus doesn't have white privilege or Obama hasn't experienced racism, but come fucking on, liberals have no grasp on intersectionality

  • I'm also in uni and have had a similar experience meeting queer people everywhere on campus, but most guys (and girls) I've talked to have only been interested in hook ups or situationships, never anything serious 😭 though I must admit I don't really put myself out there much in the first place

  • Enver_McTim [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankElon Made Cis A Slur.
    1 year ago

    "Yesterday, after posting a Tweet saying that I reject the word ‘straight’ and don’t wish to be called it, I receive a slew of messages from gay activists calling me “straighty” and telling me that I am ‘straight’ “whether or not I like it”."