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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • But WHY do they care so much about having influence over the middle east? what are they after? what do they want to do with this influence and this access to the economies of the middle east? sure to some extent they seek power for its own sake, and also to some extent they sought to destroy the country so their corporations had a new market to do in as the pleased, but oil is the biggest resource in the middle east its the most important export for almost all middle east countries, and it is also the backing for the american dollar and by extension americas entire monetary imperialist system, they want power in the middle east because of oil.

  • I mean that its obviously factually wrong by thousands of years, but even if u qualify the statement enough to get it closer to what he probably had in mind that it was the first slave revolt in the americas by black slaves against the western european system of slavery its still either factually wrong or hugely disrespectful to the many successful slave revolts that didnt result in a state but "merely" consesions or independent free black communities like the Jamaican Maroons. And at least for me, hearing something so clearly wrong being said distracts from everything else being said and it calls it into question which sucks because as far as i can see the other stuff is great.

  • i dont think capitalism will destroy life and civilization to as much of an extent as people seem to think. like i know rich people replaced all their blood with pure copium and think they are going to mars but at some point even those idiots have to realize they need to make some changes no one can truly be as stupid as they seem.

    what i think will actually happen is that they will slow their destruction a lot by making us absolutely miserable and then people are gonna revolt.

  • imo they seem pretty useless, but i participate anyways just in case.

    Plus i dont think i have ever seen a boycott for a cause i believed in that wasnt about some dumb shit that i could easily cut out of my life, like when people started boycotting fast food companies in support for Palestine i was basically already there and like i haven't bought missiles from Lockheed Martin in ages so i can give them up pretty easy too.