the human zoo in france was called "Bamboula's village"

    4 months ago

    This map is extremely poorly made and missed quite literally half the world.

    The Swiss and Norwegians had human zoos where they paid black peoples to perform racist stereotypes. Norwegians and Swedes also forced the Sami minority to preform in human exhibits.

    The Russian Empire had multiple human zoos that ran for short periods of time between 1800-1914. They were a rare form of entertainment for the Tsars and nobility.

    The Dutch aren’t marked on this man but they literally hired and kidnapped several black people to preform in a human zoo called “N-word village”. Along with a village dedicated to native people from Suriname.

    Thailand held hundreds of refugee women from Myanmar in a human zoo that was operating as late as 2008. They were not allowed to leave the country and were essentially slaves until the UN stepped in.

    Czechoslovakia operated a human zoo with Pygmy individuals.

    Ireland operated a human zoo in Dublin with Senegalese “performers” in 1904.

    The Austrian-Hungarian Empire operated multiple human zoos.

    Australia had human zoos of aboriginal peoples.

    Warsaw had a human zoo that attracted 200,000-300,000 attendees.

    Portugal operated a human zoo with kidnapped Africans from its colonies in 1940.

    Argentina forced indigenous tribe leaders to perform in natural history museums.

    The Aztec Empire operated a human zoo in their capital city with hundreds of enslaved performers that were considered “odd”; note that this means disabled. It was recently unearthed by archeologists a few years ago after being considered a myth, since it was only documented by the Conquistadors as the zoo was part of the personal collection of the Emperor.

      4 months ago

      Copenhagen Zoo and the famous Tivoli had racialized and enslaved people on display far into the 20th century. That map is pretty useless. Sources are in danish, sorry:

        4 months ago

        I forgot to mention them, but hilariously Denmark had human zoos of people from their overseas territories, but the Icelandic people were unhappy with being displayed not because it was inhuman or degrading, but because they considered themselves more civilized then the people of the Faroe Islands and Greenland lmao

          4 months ago

          Yes, scandinavian imperialism has its own disgusting flavour of racism. One might call it an aquired taste. Denmark is by far the worst. But Sweden's history, isn't exactly nice either. Just to mention one: The hundred years war. And in modern times all the former oppressed are doing nasty stuff in the same image as their oppressors. Finland to Russia. Greenland doing dirty deals with the US and China. Widespread corruption on the Faroe Islands. Norways robbery of the northern tribes. Icelands neo-liberal adventures. And then we haven't even started to cover, what the upper class is doing to their ethno-aligned working class in any of the nordic countries or their neo-colonialism. Interesting times.

      4 months ago

      I was just thinking theres no fucking way the netherlands didnt have human zoos.

      Same for austria-hungary but i guess in that case its kinda hard to know what country to paint, just like the aztec empire; there is no real continuum between it and mexico.

      Also for fun fact: its very likely that Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin the Aztec emperor which first encountered the spanish conquistadors housed said conquistadors in his zoo.