• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2022


  • I'm not a big YouTube watcher or smash bros expert but I do know this guy does a lot of work hosting for the Smash Bros melee scene out of his pocket. Notably in 2022 when Nintendo shut down the Smash melee world championship tournament which was basically fully organized and ready to go until Nintendo stabbed them in the back. This guy Ludwig pulled through and got a legitimate tournament up and running to fill the void Nintendo made.

  • I actually just got done with some western leftists on the western pacific/China situation. I thought we had mutual respect between us but then they tried to call me white when they knew I'm not and they knew I was from one of those areas. And called me unhinged/deranged. So being deprived of my humanity was cool. I should have just done what you did and ask for sources.

    fuckin hell mate I don't think I've ever been mad about an online confrontation like this. sorry I needed the vent. the steam is coming out my ears, nose, and cuticles. It's just actually physically tiring.

  • The classic model of petty bourgeoisie being the progenitor of fascism works well in America.

    Petty bourgeoisie make up a large portion of the Republican base. Petty bgz themselves are the direct inheritors of the settler ideology and elevated position in society (thus it also includes many poor whites already "demoted" in social status). They feel the contradictions intensify from both sides, workers asking for more, and big bgz taking over. This puts them in a precarious position of becoming workers, so the petty bgz naturally act according to their (privileged) interests and become very reactionary.

    An analysis of Trump's attempted coup on Jan 6th reveals the petty bourgeois make up of his supporters. He is a useful tool of the big bourgeoisie to resolve this contradiction.

    So I think before attempting to analyze big bourgeois intraclass conflict, it's very important to consider the basic big bgz-petty bgz situation.

  • I agree with some of what you said but mainly disagree with your analysis of poor libertarians. I will use the USA as a model for my post.

    Historically we should expect to find more economic fluidity amongst white people, meaning they'd be able to move from worker to labour aristocracy/petty bourgeoisie. The classic example would be for a white worker to labour for a time at a decent paying job, save money, buy a house, and start a business.

    So as we see, the class lines would be more blurred in the past because of the stronger wages and free time of labourers, and so there becomes no real need in the present to tie poorer libertarians historically to immaterial things since their interests in the past were absolutely material and aligned.

    With the polarization of the economy the class lines become more defined. So then the poor libertarians, stuck without any mobility as workers, become very reactionary and oppose any groups that threaten their elevated or once elevated position. Those who are petit bourgeoisie themselves, even though they may not be poor, are threatened with becoming workers again.

    This plays out nowadays as the libertarian to fascist pipeline, though American libertarianism is already inherently reactionary by being supported by colonialism and imperialism (as opposed to, for instance, a petit bourgeoisie in another country trying to rid itself of the shackles of colonialism).

    In the American case libertarianism is a petit bourgeois (and white i.e. settler, very key here) ideology that fits very well with the standard Marxist model of the petit bourgeois being the source of fascism.

  • Yeah fetishizing philosophy is fairly common in western spheres. But we Marxists are not philosophers, we are scientists and with that comes observations and experimentation (real world implementation, praxis, etc ).

    I come from a natural sciences background so my honest feelings is that a lot of that pre Marx stuff is, while nice to know, not particularly necessary.

  • These are funny little guys! If you show up regularly to a river or lake, they will learn your routine and favorite spots. Might sit still for a few hours for you all just to get a cheeky little bite. And then pull you under for a swim without even asking you. Very naughty behaviour.