Grindlebob41 [he/him]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2021

  • They are pro Palestine now ( I think it was inevitable since everybody who's even slightly left of center and not a PMC shill is now Pro Palestine), but I know for sure they still have a lib issue with wanting everything to be very black and white (the good guys are good and never do violence etc).

    I wish there was a kind of checklist or something similar to float to them to figure out these kind of views, but it doesn't help that they by default are anxious attachers so they would view something like this checklist at my attempt to find something wrong/want to break up when I think we all here at least can understand that there's nothing bad about doing this/I don't somehow not love them by having these questions.

  • honestly my biggest concerns (and I'm not trying to turn this into a relationship help post or anything) is that I feel there's like a 10% chance that for a lot of things we should decide on eventually (like whether to have kids, where to buy a house or keep renting etc) are things that they claim they are maybe leaning one way but it's for all intents and purposes a 50/50 at the moment with more research and discussion needed, but they actually do have a much stronger opinion but they just assume there's no way I'll end up having a different one once these decisions are fully examined.

    Again, I do recognize that some or maybe all of this concern is my own anxiety in relationships as mentioned in the OP, but with myself being avoidant and them being anxious it kinda sucks there's no one in our relationship who has a 100% accurate view on pretty much everything lol

  • i know Veganism is good (I personally am quasi-one/struggling to be better), but my only argument to her was that just one individual doing this isn't going to do much worldwide, it's like the argument of voting, one person not voting for Kamala because of genocide isn't handing it to Trump

  • to be fair they do listen to my "rants" enough to not be a complete liberal, and they also aren't a LOUD liberal like mutual friends of ours are the "Ruth Bader Ginsberg posters in their apt" kinda liberals, but I think "voting for Trump" is still the one dealbreaker they would have in our relation ship lol

  • Yeah I think you bring up a valid point, where if it was easier to find lists of good/best public schools (and "actual" public, not ones that you only get in via testing etc), it would probably be best to go down the list and note which ones are in walkable neighborhoods that aren't just tiny/mega isolated in a very car centric city.

    I have wondered if (and I haven't checked the actual price) if the "cheat code" so to speak is certain Boston suburbs or like Evanston IL, where they are really a city neighborhood in all but name but because they aren't a part of the city school system they are much better like typical suburbs tend to be in the US.

    I know NotJustBikes did a thing about how in the Netherlands kids are much more independent compared to Ottawa at least.

  • Oh my partner is really bad, they will pause a movie/show etc we are watching to go “ok so I’m confused, who’s bad and who’s good?” I honestly blame the fact that their taste in entertainment is self-admitted “trash”, like I’ve made the joke/response of “so you know a lot of more clever/prestige media often has a lot of shades of grey, where no one is clear cut good or bad”

  • I think I might actually have Long COVID...I've had it 3 times, and each time has been extremely mild (like the most mild colds I've ever had), but at some point I realized I seem to have "lost a step" mentally...basically if I'm telling a story/giving a point etc that is multiple sentences long, I almost always have to stop because I lose my train of thought/can't think of a word for second, and this never happened before. It's relatively benign (and I'm 32 and in great physical shape) but I definitely have just noticed I'm a little slower...I also every couple of months have a day/afternoon where I'm just like "I need to lay on the couch, thinking hurts" which again never happened before....unless all this stuff is quasi-expected to happen in your 30s, kinda like the extreme beginning signs of aging.

  • As someone who is almost certainly moving with their partner to NYC, I'm torn. I actually do love it, it's probably my favorite city in the US (Seattle and San Fran are contenders, but with our jobs' hours we'd start work at like 5AM PT so a non-starter), but it is disappointing to know that probably why it's my favorite is "it does Euro/Non-American Cities the best but still a poor excuse for one" we are going to Paris and Amsterdam this month, and I've never been out of the US. Am I going to immediately want to move to one of those cities? My partner is OBSESSED with NYC, and probably more importantly it's so hard to leave the country if you don't have some way to easily get citizenship somewhere else. I wish I could just write a letter to the offices of immigration of other countries being like "please rescue me from America" haha. I unfortunately am a case of "family was living in Brooklyn back in the 1700s" kinda WASP stuff, but without the actual trust fund or connections.

  • honestly I feel like Nintendo is still the king of this more "Gamey" 2021 it seems like every game is either the Witcher 3 open world kinda thing like you describe or it's more like a book or movie than a game.

  • Murican comrades: You are supposed to tip Uber/Lyft right? I found out that my partner doesn't do that and it's blowing my mind. And by "supposed" I mean like how you are supposed to tip for a haircut, obviously dine in waiter service , food delivery etc and not the tipping for like pick-up food where it's not required via unwritten rule.

    I know that the Uber CEO said back in 2016 or something that tipping wasn't expected/required, and myself didn't tip the barber out of ignorance in college (I still cringe thinking about this), so I'm sympathetic to the idea that my partner just didn't realize it, but I want to know the answer so I can inform them.