honestly my biggest concerns (and I'm not trying to turn this into a relationship help post or anything) is that I feel there's like a 10% chance that for a lot of things we should decide on eventually (like whether to have kids, where to buy a house or keep renting etc) are things that they claim they are maybe leaning one way but it's for all intents and purposes a 50/50 at the moment with more research and discussion needed, but they actually do have a much stronger opinion but they just assume there's no way I'll end up having a different one once these decisions are fully examined.
Again, I do recognize that some or maybe all of this concern is my own anxiety in relationships as mentioned in the OP, but with myself being avoidant and them being anxious it kinda sucks there's no one in our relationship who has a 100% accurate view on pretty much everything lol
They are pro Palestine now ( I think it was inevitable since everybody who's even slightly left of center and not a PMC shill is now Pro Palestine), but I know for sure they still have a lib issue with wanting everything to be very black and white (the good guys are good and never do violence etc).
I wish there was a kind of checklist or something similar to float to them to figure out these kind of views, but it doesn't help that they by default are anxious attachers so they would view something like this checklist at my attempt to find something wrong/want to break up when I think we all here at least can understand that there's nothing bad about doing this/I don't somehow not love them by having these questions.