HackrB8 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2020


  • HackrB8 [he/him]toMainWhat the fuck is crypto art
    4 years ago

    It's a jpeg (or .png or .gif etc) with a unique code attached to it that cannot be duplicated.

    Basically, a bunch of nerds found a way to add scarcity to something that can be duplicated infinitely. Said nerds buy crypto art to store their money in. Much like with fine art auctions, it's used for money laundering.

    One of my friends in liberal mountain sold a piece they made in 15 minutes while tripping and it sold for a ridiculous amount because DRUG ART.

    So yes, it's that stupid.

    So, so stupid.

  • It sounds like it's time to try a different tactic. Have you tried volunteering for local organizations? They can be political, but they don't have to be.

    I've gotten all of my recent job offers through the connections I made while volunteering.

    It will also help you feel more connected and less helpless in your situation imo. I was at your point before I started volunteering once a week at my local org. I felt like my contributions were valued & I got much needed socializing in.

  • HackrB8 [he/him]toMainWeekly Mental Health Check-in Thread
    4 years ago

    Not terrible, not ideal.

    I have one more quarter of tech school left and I'm cracking under the pressure because I'm expected to attend because I can't bring the complex equipment home to work on.

    I could deal if it weren't for the fact that there are very few people left and half of them are chuds and I am a trans person with a "gay voice" and the homophobia is real and damn near constant.

    I don't get treated directly like crap, I just get shoved out of every conversation and laughed at (b/c haha gay voice.) I'm so over this career path and I am leaning toward dropping my last quarter because this + pandemic is breaking me.

    The STEM field sucks and has so much inherent toxic masculinity.

  • This obscure game from the 90's that was a fever dream in my childhood. Entomorph Plague of the Darkfall: https://www.gog.com/game/entomorph_plague_of_the_darkfall

    Game features:

    Time altering spider with skeleton hands Turn into mantis by eating bug 'nectar' Split personality giant mosquito queen Janky/terrible dated gameplay Amazing 90's soundtrack. Look it up on YouTube.

    It's worth playing at least once, just remember to save every 5 minutes. The soundtrack doesn't work so keep that in mind if you buy it on GoG.

  • Ditch the 9 - 5 work day. When I do 9 - 5 it feels like my soul is dying. I feel trapped & like I'm going to crawl out of my own skin after 3 months. I hate it when other ppl tell me what to do with my time, because I need mid day breaks or I risk having a career ending melt down.

    I'm working on starting a small freelance business w/another neurodivergent comrade b/c we both loathe the 9 - 5 grind and would rather bust our butts on our own schedule.

    Imo a 20 hour workweek, 4 hours a day, four days a week, would solve this.

  • HackrB8 [he/him]toneurodiverseDoes anyone else get "stuck"?
    4 years ago


    Have been dealing w/that except replace 'picross' with "anything but my engineering classes"

    I've noticed that forging a routine and making a task list before bed helps. That way I start the day out with a plan for my day already in my brain.

    Moving around and getting a walk in helps too.

    Still, these last two weeks have been shitty for self discipline for me personally. Sometimes that how life be I guess.

  • HackrB8 [he/him]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Wasteland 2 is decent. It sticks a bit too close to archaic gameplay choices, but once I got over the initial difficulty spike I started having a lot of fun. The director's cut edition is really stable & the game has only crashed on me once so far.

    Wasteland 3 is a big improvement in terms of graphics and gameplay, but it's still busted and I had to stop playing it because the game crashes constantly. Personally I'd wait a year before playing it.

  • HackrB8 [he/him]
    toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Also oops my bad I am very dumb did not mean this as an invite for ppl to I'd their location modsvplz remove this poorly thought out post thx

  • HackrB8 [he/him]toaskchapoShould I Find a New Job?
    4 years ago

    In this economy?

    Stay in this dead end job, for now. Is it possible to slip in some training while on the job?

    I know that awful feeling about being trapped at work, but if you time it incorrectly it could make life even harder.

  • HackrB8 [he/him]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    As someone w/autism I had to also deal with anger issues and "ooga booga" mode. Also the cops, fuck cops.

    The anger issue got a lot better after I started treating my autism. Here are some tips that helped me with it and can hopefully help you out too.

    I will explain this to you in the nerdiest way I can think of.

    High functioning Autism is like having an overpowered, specialized engine for a brain. You are capable of being really, really good at the stuff that interests you. In gaming lingo it's like having a min/max build. It is possible to find a comfortable life, but you'll have to find your niche.

    Because your brain is a high powered jet engine, it burns out faster than a neurotypical brain. Since your senses are all out of whack, things that wouldn't tire or stress out a normal brain will wear you down a lot faster.

    Communicating takes energy, sticking to your tasks takes energy, diverting from routine takes energy. Then BOOM, engine blows out, ooga mode kicks in. Bad time is had by all.

    You can counteract this by keeping a regular routine Having a routine helps b/c your brain won't leak energy so much if it knows what to expect. I also recommend getting 30 minutes of high intensity cardio (your choice, and it doesn't have to be all at once), and having 'calm' times for 2 - 3 hours a day where no one can bother you. At the end of the day you are not much different from your caveman ancestors, and like them you need to find ways to expend energy or it will come out as anger.

    For me, I like to wake up, do my work out/walk. Then I do work (school, in my case) . Followed by a mid day cool down where I sit under my weighted blanket (GET A WEIGHTED BLANKET!!). After the rest period I work on other stuff or do chores. I am fortunate that I have the support to live this lifestyle.

    I recommend volunteering with a non profit, and doing work that fascinates you. Ppl like us can't do bullshit jobs. Our brains can't handle the monotony. We can see all the bullshit happening and can't ignore it. Working w/a non profit can help you socialize, without taking up too much of your time.