IHateSuperstraights [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2021


  • IHateSuperstraights [any]tovegan*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    If a revolution happens i'd be willing to make sacrifices, I have absolutely zero reasons to make a single sacrifice for you losers who only treat me like shit here on a daily basis

  • Okay, so I didn't notice the modlog had all of the mods/admins names changed to ChapoModerator in the past 2 days, sue me okay? Nothing I did was worthy of a ban, I want an actual response to my post, none of this "haha u mad" shit, got it? If you don't the only conclusion I could possibly come to is that I got banned for not being vegan. in regards to the ChapoModerator situation, WHAT THE FUCK!!! Why are we suddenly okay with less admin transparency now? I don't get why this is posted in /c/copypasta, because as a copypasta this has literally no practical use and nothing beside "Hey /u/Chapomoderator" is remotely funny about this. 0/10

  • IHateSuperstraights [any]touserunion*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Hey /u/Chapomoderator, I’m /u/superstr8slaughterer, why the fuck did you ban me? I never posted anything transphobic at all here. I chose the name superstr8slaughterer because I had just heard about “superstraights” (a very new fake “sexuality” about not being attracted to trans people but is really just a paper-thin veneer to be transphobic and an attempt undermine the LGBTQ movement, really 4chan-esque shit but apparently it was started on tiktok) and was both disgusted and annoyed by them so I made that account to signal my dislike, and then the vegan thing happened. the thing about cows being superstraight so I had to slaughter them was only because people saw “slaughterer” in my name and made jokes about it so joined in. The kids choice awards post was because I saw voting was on for it and I thought that would be a great time to mock libs. I had to throw in something about “a vote for a third party is a vote for trump” and I saw Henry Danger and remembered that one of the main cast is a transman (I don’t know anything else about it because I’m not a weirdo who watches kids shows, I think he’s the comic relief sidekick), which I thought was cool, so I chose that. You’d have to try really hard to interpret both of these things as transphobic. Also, bit account - what kind of “bit” am I doing? How does my post about ninjas play into the bit? Either you must have really poor reading comprehension and are quick to ban or you did it because I’m not vegan, which I’m inclined to believe because you removed the “I don’t care if animals are killed for meat” post for being a “Reactionary bit”. Also, Who the fuck are you, ChapoModerator? At least I know who TC69 is, You have literally 0 posts, all you do is hand out bans. Reveal yourself you coward and Unban me.