JButtafoucault [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2022


  • JButtafoucault [he/him]
    towriting*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    That's my plan with the next trilogy I'll be releasing. Other writers release one free chapter per day, then let you subscribe to a patreon if you want to devour more chapters before they're released. Once the books are fully released that way, I'll put them on Amazon. I have enough content right now to last about 4.5 months, and I don't trust myself to finish the third book in the trilogy before that time runs out, so it's probably going to be at least another six months before I can finish the third book and start releasing chapters. It's a litrpg historical fantasy which takes place in the 11th century, and, yes, it's all about building a workers' state in the Middle Ages.

  • Haha thank you. Lacan is a deliberately bad writer so I recommend reading about him rather than reading him himself? I found this article pretty helpful:


    I don’t actually know how accurate it is but one day I managed to set aside a few hours to tear through it, take notes, and google anything I didn’t understand. Afterward I felt like I knew his jargon a lot better. It was also helpful for understanding his ideas about psychology, and they work well with Marxism (but just become idealism without it). There are other good books about him too.

  • JButtafoucault [he/him]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Every person from the Philippines I’ve spoken with loves him. The Chinese are clearly trying to build an alliance with him and the Philippines. Maoists despise him. That’s pretty much all I know.

  • JButtafoucault [he/him]
    tochapotraphouseFuck All Maine Lobstermen
    2 years ago

    I might write a followup and have some questions for you in the future. My anger is directed against licensed lobstermen, not the people forced to work for them (by dire economic circumstances and purposeful underdevelopment) like yourself. Thank you for speaking up.