JohnnyJohnnyHaHaHa [none/use name]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2021


  • I don’t see it as “dividing the community”. This site is already sub divided into a multitude of communities based on different interests and tastes and people can participate or not participate based on their preferences. I don’t feel like I’m “hurtfuly” separated from people here because some decide to participate in a sports comm because I hate sports and have no interest in them.

    I posted elsewhere on why I don’t think the “just CW every post containing meat” isn’t quite as straight forward and simple of an ask as some people make it out to be, I’ll repost it here.

    1: human forgetfulness. Some newbie or a guy who’s had a few too many beers posts a picture of a steak and forgets the NSFW tag and gets banned for it even though it was an honest mistake.

    2: posts like this where it’s technically vegan but has something that looks like it has animal products in it and ends up pissing people off and the user gets banned for it despite having technically abided by the rules.

    On top of that requiring posts not just containing meat but any post with any animal product or even ingredients relabeling animal products (yes people were requesting this) would mean like 90% of posts would be blurred out making the comm sorta a pain to navigate.

    I’m not asking you personally to set the comm up, there are vegan mods who can do the legwork of that. And honestly I think modding a vegan only food comm would actually be easier than trying to mod a sub that is technically open to vegans and omnis but has a wonky ass rule the omnis have to abide by.

    Also I can’t prove it but your reply comes off as having a passive aggressive tone to me like your trying to guilt me for having the audacity to suggest we set up a new comm as a solution to this struggle session.

  • Im a cellarman at a place that just cranks out high ABV IPAs and at every quarterly meeting when they ask if anyone has any beer ideas I’m always like “oh you know like a nice Irish Red or Oktoberfest or Amber” and management is always like “those don’t sell dickhead”.

  • issue of making people mark corpses as NSFW.

    1: human forgetfulness. Some newbie or a guy who’s had a few too many beers posts a picture of a steak and forgets the NSFW tag and gets banned for it even though it was an honest mistake.

    2: posts like this where it’s technically vegan but has something that looks like it has animal products in it and ends up pissing people off and the user gets banned for it despite having technically abided by the rules.

    Making another comm isn’t a big ask either and isn’t as wonky as this “tag damn near everything NSFW” solution. The fact people are pushing so hard for the latter and down talking people proposing the former kinda backs up the theory some have that this is all a side wind to make c/food a vegan only space. Which fine if that’s what the vegans want but I’d appreciate them just admitting it.

  • It also doesn’t take much effort to make another comm. I think people just think it’s weird to have to label every dish that has ANY animal product in it NSFW because then like 90% of the posts here would be blurred out.