Kerenskyeet [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2021年2月14日


  • Does Copmala have any legal argument for why the ICC doesn’t have the right to do this? The Palestinian authority is a signatory of the Rome Statute (along with most of the world’s governments including all of Europe), the ICC works along with the UN, even the colonizer west legally acknowledges that the Palestinians are sovereign over the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The IDF is occupying & committing acts of violence in the lands of another sovereign state. How more clear cut can it be? To the nazi amerikans, this boils down to “israel doesn’t have to follow even the most basic rules of law or the conception of what international law is on any level, because we fucking say so”. This death cult fake country will make any stand for israel, the context fundamentally is irrelevant to them.

  • The post is referencing multiple things that plenty of people (me included) have no knowledge of nor have any reason to. And also alludes to the completely unrelated Chris-Chan, who is an old YouTube figure that has nothing to do with the community. This makes it A) impenetrable

    The post recalls this story & uses it as an example of why bullying isn’t ok. But in the exact same post, it says that bullying is ok by the very obtuse and nebulous parameters set by the OP. Which makes me wonder what exactly the OP has a problem with, since they seem to be approving conditional bullying that easily could lead to this exact same situation. This makes it B) incoherent.

    Do I need to go on?

  • Fascinating how the basis of the conversation is concerned with the feelings of dumbfuck white champagne socialists & not the feelings of the guy who is obviously directly affected by the consequences of Western imperialism. This is a perspective that only out of touch privileged westerners identify with, because they are so wrapped up in their own egoism that they have convinced themselves that mean words are exactly the same as villages being burned & children being gunned down by white faces. It is almost pointless to try to have this conversation with white socialists, they are too self absorbed and self righteous to even try to comprehend the apathy & active hostility that brown persons perceive among their so-called comrades. Has nothing to do with what’s right & everything to do with the garbage “me, me, me!” Culture that the loser west has cultivated. Sick of having to put up with it, and I’m confident that most marginalized minorities in socialist groups are too. And I especially doubt that the radlibs here will be able to understand.