McDirtyBirdy [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2020


  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Hard disagree on all points. Sounds like most of it went over your head. If you think Jules Verne makes interesting literature then there is precious little we could ever agree on.

  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    You mean Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? I fucking love those books.

    I got a lot out of “Shardik” by Richard Adams but if books with weird names in them bother you then you won’t like this book much either. I’m sorry but you sound like some kind of 4 year old picky eater but with books. No weird names or humor please, just more generic white guy shit like Jules Verne please. Kind of sad.

  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankwild 🤔
    4 years ago

    Oh 100%. I feel some kind of way about all the 50 and 60 year old guys who have to work alongside me. If my back is aching I just know there’s have got to be killing them 24/7. They deserve better at that age than to have to sell their rapidly deteriorating bodies

  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tomainPraxis
    4 years ago

    I guess it depends on the specific task you do and which warehouse. I do Unload on the induction line at a DPS and it’s a more intense workout than anything I’ve ever done tbh. It’s basically lifting weights and doing squats for 5 straight hours. I’ve been there 2 months and I’ve got muscles now that I didn’t know existed

  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankwild 🤔
    4 years ago

    Bruh you smart as hell. Most managers at my job don’t do as much actual productive work as the really hard working average associates. In terms of raw, physical stuff that actually gets accomplished, it’s not the managers doing the heavy lifting. But at the same time, basing compensation off of accomplishment is problematic. I’m a lot stronger and faster than some of my fellow employees who do the same tasks as me, but it wouldn’t be fair to pay me more just because I do more. I only do more by virtue of my random luck to be a physically fit person. If compensation was based on accomplishment I would not want the old people I work with breaking their backs to keep up with someone like me ya know.

  • McDirtyBirdy [he/him]tomainPraxis
    4 years ago

    I do my cardio at my Amazon warehouse job. 10 hours a day zooming around throwing 40 pound boxes and pushing carts of shit. That’s the difference I guess. A lot of lower income working class people have jobs that are so physically intensive that, A. they don’t really need any extra cardio or B. they don’t have any energy left at the end of the day to be running up and down the street