Mimouroto [none/use name]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Mimouroto [none/use name]toMainCursed YouTube recs
    4 years ago

    Redpill isn't that bad. It got a huge negative rep for challenging the idea that 0 men are oppressed under patriarchy, and treating those it interviewed as, sympathetic guys with shitty circumstances who may or may not be radicalized. All of the issues it covers are legitimate issues though that men in america face, regardless of the sources interviewed. And the establishment feminists interviewed ring true to how out of touch they are with most left leaning folks (typical lib stuff). It is an interesting watch for anyone who isn't educated in how majority of the average men also suffer under patriarchy and capitalism, don't rent it or buy it though. Pirate that shit.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    I don't want pronouns. I'm fine with others having them. I would much rather be referred to by name than any pronouns. I personally am uncomfortable with boiling myself down to a binary + they gender. I don't want to declare none, because I am gendered sometimes, and I know others who don't use any of the listed genders and don't want to be they or any.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    was it the dabbing person talking about gendered oppression? I always understood takes like that as big brained leftist "gender is a social construct and shouldn't be acknowledged" bs, less than "gender is assigned by genitals", but there are like 3 deleted comments you replied to too. If this take is actually a terf dogwhistle, then I'd love the enlightenment, because I don't get it. I personally think it's just easier (for users) leave it editable, and ban problematic people who treat it as a joke, but I also get that some people get uncomfortable when they see that. I do see that the thread is 22 days old, and none of those offered have really been added. Which is... not cool. And even then, there are plenty of lists of common pronouns available that could have been used as default along with the binary plus they that is available.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    The posts you linked, just don't appear when I click the link, so I have no context for what they said. The links just take me to the top of the thread. Either they're gone, or chapo.chat just is being its usual weird self. I assure you, I'm trying to engage in good faith. But the "you're a lib" and then this big ass fucking fight about it all makes me think it's more about making people submit regardless of their identity or pronouns. The options don't even have all common pronouns people use available. Do all the people who don't have their pronouns available have to be a they or any? Like, the kinks in the system need to be worked out before the moral righteousness kicks in.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    well, considering I have to capitulate to your, or go through my personal hell of transitioning in the real world and be insulted and bullied online. maybe you should see that some trans people just don't fucking want to deal with this shit, and kicking the nest and stinging us to obey is just as bad to me. Again, I don't care about having the pronouns, I am happy that people are using them, and maybe someday I will too. It's the "submit or else" mentality that needs to fucking go. It's antagonism for antagonisms sake.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    I'm sorry if people were misgendering you, but I as a trans person disagree. The online culture is changing, and having pronouns available is helping change that. But if I am to be called a lib or terf for not wanting a pronoun flair, or flair of any kind on my account, then I don't see how that isn't just "you" policing "my" existence to make you feel morally correct. It's the "pick or suffer" policing mentality that is making me seriously fucking uncomfortable and stressed out about this. look at the titles of the posts, they're antagonistic. You're literally asking for this negative response. I don't appreciate my existence being spotlighted for your moral crusade. I deal with enough shit and harassment in my day to day.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    Weird assumption, considering my wife's gf is dating two trans people who I hang out with, my close friend who was Joshua Collin's campaign manager is trans, and some of my closest friends from college are also trans. Maybe, just maybe, some of us are more worried about real life than wanting to go online and be fucking bullied and essentialized as bad by a bunch of permanently online scolds. Why should my existence be policed by you?

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    The very topics we're discussing under is made with a presumption of bullying. "use pronouns or you're a terf" "use pronouns or you're a lib". Like, I agree with your compromise, but I disagree with these topics inherently on the basis that they're bullying people for being passively existing or not wanting to choose a pronoun.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    That explains why you have pronouns. And that is perfectly fine, and I'm happy you have your pronouns. Doesn't explain why "I" have to have pronouns. As a trans person as well, I don't understand why its ok to essentialize me as a lib (ie. bad) and bully me if I refuse to conform to your demands "I" use pronouns. I have a username, you can use it at your leisure. I am under no obligation to tell anyone my pronouns.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    If they choose to do that, it's their choice. But why is it worth insulting me, and treating me like shit for lack of a pronoun tag? How is bullying a trans person who doesn't feel like using a gender tag ok? I'm not opposed to the tags. I'm opposed to this democrat style "do it or forever be marked as objectively bad" bullshit.

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    I opened the thread, did not see answers, just more talk of how it is solidarity. As a trans person, how does my lack pronouns affect you? Why is it so needed that not having them essentializes me as bad?

  • Mimouroto [none/use name]touserunioncan we please ban TERFs?
    4 years ago

    No clue what that is. Maybe stop trying to police other people's accounts. If you can't see how scolding people for not putting shit in their account is stupid, there is no saving you until you wake up. You have pronouns, why the fuck do I need them? Maybe my pronouns aren't available.?Maybe I prefer not having pronouns and being referred to by my username?