MoreAmphibians [none/use name]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2021


  • The Last Ringbearer came out in 1999. It was a Russian LOTR fanfiction from the perspective of Mordor. In it the "orcs" are just normal humans who are dehumanized by the men of the west. It was a pretty big deal in the former USSR. So it probably wasn't you.

    In this war the term Orc was popularized by an english tweet from Azov about greasing up their bullets to deal with Chechen orcs. So originally the term orc only applied to Chechens (and probably other Muslims in the Russian Federation).

  • I know that, my tone was probably a bit too sardonic there. I completely agree that Azov (and friends) are all Nazis or neonazis, it's just their image in western media that I was trying to make fun of.

    I was mostly looking for something else I could show to libs to prove that the west is unambiguously supporting Nazis (again). There's something about Hunka being a member of the actual historical Waffen-SS and swearing an oath to Adolf Hitler that makes libs not be unable to deny that he's a Nazi.

  • Some thoughts.

    1. Retiring is rather idealistic for a cyberpunk game. I would name the button something else. "End life" would work but might be a bit bleak.
    2. Having 12 hours for recreation sounds really nice but I don't think that's really what's intended. I think split it up into sleep, chores, and commute. Still the same 12 hours but now split into thematic components.
    3. All the lives are a bit samey. I think adding a random trait would really help things stand out. The random trait would be something mildly beneficial like reduced need for sleep, faster leveling for a specific skill, being healthier, or something like that. Early game you get one random trait and that's it. Later you can get upgrades that let you select from multiple traits or even get more than one at once. Maybe you can even level the traits and that's another method of progression.

    Edit: It's also a bit weird that you don't need to eat. Maybe make a 0 cost default food? DoleStarch? AdvertStarch?

    Edit2: If free time doesn't give any benefits it should also be renamed. Maybe change it to "unallocated" time.

  • Here is some "propaganda" for you to refute

    Following the pro-Shah coup d'état that overthrew the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, the Shah again cracked down on his opponents, and political freedom waned. He outlawed Mosaddegh's political group the National Front, and arrested most of its leaders.[13] Over 4000 political activists of the Tudeh party were arrested,[14] (including 477 in the armed forces), forty were executed, another 14 died under torture and over 200 were sentenced to life imprisonment.[13][15][16]

    During the height of its power, the shah's secret police SAVAK had virtually unlimited powers. The agency closely collaborated with the CIA.[17]

    According to Amnesty International's Annual Report for 1974–1975 "the total number of political prisoners has been reported at times throughout the year [1975] to be anything from 25,000 to 100,000."[18]

    Wow, that is super fucked up. I hope somebody overthrows the Shah.

  • (He was also telling me that the shed tanks are carrying diesel generators to run point-defense guns. According to him older tank's power-plants can't run the point defense guns so they're using diesel generators strapped to the tanks. and this is bad because if hte generator gets hit hte diesel will catch fire and cook the tank crew alive. I'm pretty sure that's total bullshit because tanks have been designed with protection from incendiary attacks for decades, diesel is notoriously hard to ignite and doesn't explode, and anyway T-72s have giant barrels of spare diesel fuel attached to their rear anyway. While probably not filled in combat, it apparently hasn't been a problem for fifty years so I'm skeptical that 10 or 20 gallons of diesel fuel in a portable generator is somehow going to cook a tank crew alive.)

    This analysis is weird, what sort of point defense guns is he talking about? The Russians are mounting diesel generators to some of the turtle tanks but those are there to run the EW (electronic warfare) that's also mounted to the top of the tank. Some of the shed tanks have the EW suite but most don't, although one of the tanks that got popular on twitter was this type of EW tank.

    Does anyone have access to any actual science on how various kinds of cage armor are performing against modern drone munitions? I'm really curious because to me this seems really straight forward - If a HEAT round can't detonate at the proper distance from the target it can't defeat the target's armor. And they're saying that's bullshit and this is all cope and doesn't work. And that doesn't pass the smell test to me.

    This analysis is from analyzing the effectiveness of WW2 armor skirts on panzers. The nazis added this kind of armor to mitigate damage from kinetic weapons, especially from Soviet anti-tank rifles. This had limited effectiveness against HEAT rounds and could even theoretically improve the effectiveness of a HEAT round. This is due to the jet of the HEAT round needing the proper distance to form and some HEAT rounds just weren't long enough for this full effect.

    The shed armor upgrade is mostly against drone attacks from above. It increases the distance that a HEAT round detonates from, and to a much greater degree than classic armor skirts. Not only that but it makes targeting the weak points on the armor much more difficult. It also greatly reduces of the effect of non-HEAT explosives on the tank. On the EW turtle tanks, the shed protects the more delicate EW equipment from small arms fire.

    I don't have any actual proper sources. This is a very rapidly developing area of study.

    Edit: "Classic" slat armor is actually for a different purpose altogether. It's there to crush RPG warheads and keep them from going off or at least disrupt the formation of the HEAT jet. A large part of an RPG round is hollow, this is necessary to make it a HEAT round instead of just explosive (HE). An RPG hitting correctly spaced slat armor at the proper angle will have the warhead be crushed by the slats. This will either prevent the detonate from working or just disrupt the HEAT jet.

  • Right, it took a decade to show that this attack wasn't Assad. It's going to take a lot longer for anything that's less obvious. I'm mostly showing that there is very little interest in investigation if it can't be pinned on Assad.

    Sarin gas isn't hard to make by the way. A bunch of Japanese cultists were able to do it. They also made VX, phosegene, and hydrogen cyanide. Apparently money and dedication will take you a long way.