China should just fly around the ISS doing flips and shit. Like, they need to bring a skateboard and do a space walk with it. Just stunt on the US as hard as possible
President Xi please liberate our astronauts from the broken boeing space capsules
Isn't this getting close to a health risk, how long they are going to be in space?
I think 2 years is considered the safe lifetime limit for being in space. Not sure how doing it all at once affects things.
American record is something like a year continuously, Russians have a dude who did like 3 years or something nuts. So yeah should be ok
They should get unlimited money for purchasing things and a book deal upon return.
If we didn't live in the dumbest timeline possible, our International Space Station would be one of greatest achievements we would all celebrate and take it seriously. The ISS deserves better.
The ISS is a giant disappointment, but I always take comfort that the first person in space, Yuri Gagrin, was born on a collective farm. The first person up there was a worker, and that means the universe to me
Hell yeah! It's wonderful to know that a worker went to the stars and saw how united we should all be. It's such a shame the "Space age" and all its wonder was wasted on Cold War bullshit.
We've successfully launched the international space station! (Whites only)
Hmm, I hadn't even thought about their compensation. How are they paid anyway? Is it an annual salary or contractual pay per mission? I wonder if all of this counts as overtime.
After returning would they bother to buy one book at a discounted price, if they had unlimited money to purchase things?
Government contracting in the US is like if you need a $3 can opener but you are only allowed to order from Acme Corp and they send you a sledgehammer with a stick of dynamite attached to the end along with a $500 invoice
And then you are like yes good job this is exactly what I need and pay immediately then go on to see what else is in the catalog
Wow that movie is already almost 10 years old and I've still been meaning to get around to watching it